Media Club

The student DIC will resume in the Winter Quarter. A new episode is selected for each meeting, with topics ranging from race and identity, to ableism and disability, and anti-fat bias. Podcast club is an informal event for anyone who is interested in DEI-related topics, and it doesn’t follow a sequence, so you can join the conversation any time during the quarter! If you would like to be added to the podcast club e-mail list, please fill out the quick form below (only Northwestern affiliates):

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Past podcast episodes/reading materials:

Podcast club on February 22, 2022: Resistance: Say It All Now, Sugar

Description: This episode talks about what resistance is and what it can look like in everyday life.

Extra credit: The United States of Anxiety: The Origin Story of Black History Month (50 min).

Description: This episode features a discussion of what Black History Month means to some folks, as well as a brief history of Black History Month.


Podcast club on January 25th, 2022: Code Switch: A whiteness that’s only skin deep

Description: We use words related to color to describe different racial categories all the time — Black, white, brown. But how much of race and identity actually has to do with the color of your skin? What if what appears to be “whiteness” is only skin deep? Today we’re sharing stories from people of color with albinism whose experiences challenge what many people think they know about race.