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Below is the information of scholars who have completed their PhD in Political Theory at Northwestern.

  • Lucien Ferguson
    Drinan Visiting Assistant Professor, Boston College Law School
    Dissertation: “The Spirit of Caste: Recasting the History of Civil Rights”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); Alvin B. Tillery, Jr., Erin F. Delaney (Law), Paul A. Gowder (Law)  
  • Owen Brown
    Visiting Assistant Professor,Scripps College, Department of Politics 
    Dissertation: “Ordering Through Race/Racialising Through Order: Race and the Production of International Order.”
    Committee: Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (Chair), Ian Hurd, Barnor Hesse (African American Studies), José Medina (Philosophy)
  • Nathalia Justo
    Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Government and Legal Studies, Bowdoin College
    Dissertation: “The Global Politics of Citizenship: Producing and Protecting the ‘Deserving” Subject'”
    Committee: Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Ian Hurd, Naeem Inayatullah (Ithaca College)
  • Rhiannon Auriemma
    Lecturer, University of Chicago
    Dissertation: “(Being a) Feminist (is a) Struggle: Feminist Theory and Politics in the Era of The Women’s March”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); Alvin B. Tillery, Jr., Jennifer C. Nash (Duke)
  • Shaul Notkin
    Dissertation: “Political Theory for the Age of Social Movement” 
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr; Shmuel Nili
  • Malia Bowers     
    Lecturer, DePaul University 
    Dissertation: The Space Between: Rethinking Paradox in Contemporary Feminism”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Jennifer C. Nash (Duke)
  • Gina Giliberti
    Dissertation: “Impassioned Religion in Global Politics”
    Committee: Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Brannon Ingram (Religious Studies)
  • Tristan Bradshaw
    Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, University of Wollongong
    Dissertation: “The Use of Humans: Aristotle, Marx, and the Specters of Indeterminate Utility”
    Committee: Lars Tønder (Chair); Sara Monoson, Richard Kraut (Philosophy), Samuel Weber (German), Miguel Vatter (Flinders University)
  • Julia Brown   
    Harper-Schmidt Fellow, University of Chicago 
    Dissertation: “At Liberty to Obey: Sincerity and the Scriptural Politics of John Locke”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Elizabeth Shakman Hurd
  • Arturo Chang
    Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto
    Dissertation: “Imagining America: International Commiseration and National Revolution in the Modern Post-Colony”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Loubna El Amine, Paul Ramírez (History)
  • Andrew Day
    Dissertation: “Hobbes Unbound”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Loubna El Amine
  • Salih Emre Gercek
    Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Connecticut
    Dissertation: “Democratic Responses to the ‘Social Question’ in the Age of Revolution”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Loubna El Amine, Cristina Lafont (Philosophy)
  • Alan J. Kellner
    Dissertation: “Nature and Civilization in Immanuel Kant’s Global Politics”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Hendrik Spruyt, Mark Alznauer (Philosophy)
  • Christina LoTempio
    Dissertation: “Arendt, Adorno, and Angela Davis: A Critique of Capitalist Culture”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Loubna El Amine
  • Boris Litvin
    Visiting Instructor, Eckerd College

    Dissertation: “Spectators, Crowds, Citizens, Men in General, and You, Madame: Political Theory and the Politics of Audience”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Dilip P. Gaonkar (Rhetoric & Public Culture), David Lay Williams (DePaul University)
  • Javier Burdman
    Research Fellow (Tenured), Universidad Nacional de San Martín
    Dissertation: “Politics after Totalitarianism: Rethinking Evil, Action, and Judgment in Kant, Arendt, and Lyotard”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); Lars Tønder, Peter Fenves (German), Samuel Weber (German), Christoph Mencke (Goethe-Universität-Frankfurt)
    Published as: Javier Burdman, The Shadow of Totalitarianism: Action, Judgment, and Evil in Politics (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2022)
  • Lucy Cane
    Dissertation: “Sheldon Wolin and Democracy: Seeing through Loss”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Joan Tronto (Minnesota), George Shulman (NYU)
    Published as: Lucy Cane, Sheldon Wolin and Democracy: Seeing Through Loss (New York: Routledge, 2020)
  • Gent Carrabregu
    Assistant Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology-Kosovo (RITK)
    Dissertation: “Kant’s Libertarianism and Its Aftermath: Rereading The Conflict of the Faculties, Rethinking Hegel, Arendt, and Habermas”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Cristina Lafont (Philosophy), Mark Alznauer (Philosophy)
  • Giuseppe Cumella
    Lecturer in Political Science, DePaul University
    Dissertation: “Aristotle on Political Activity”
    Committee: Sara Monoson (Co-chair), Richard Kraut (Co-chair, Philosophy); Mary G. Dietz, J.P.F. Wynne (Utah)
  • Lexi Neame
    Visiting Assistant Professor, Reed College
    Dissertation: “Truth in the Milieu of Politics: Knowledge, Authority, and Democratic Freedom”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Ken Alder (Science in Human Culture)
  • Charles Clarke
    Dissertation: “Deportation Law and Political Theory”
    Committee: Jacqueline Stevens (Chair); Reuel Rogers, Andrew Koppelman (Law)
  • Michael Christopher Sardo
    Dissertation: “From Personal to Political Responsibility: Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of Anticipatory Responsibility”
    Committee: Lars Tønder (Chair); Jacqueline Stevens, Michael Loriaux, Mark Alznauer (Philosophy)
  • Désirée Weber
    Associate Professor of Political Science, College of Wooster
    Dissertation: “Reading Wittgenstein in Politics: Normativity, Judgment, and Political Pedagogy”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, John G. Gunnell (UC-Davis)
  • Nick Dorzweiler
    Professor of the Practice of Political Science and Women’s & Gender Studies, Wheaton College
    Dissertation: “‘The Sights That Hold the Crowd’: Political Science and the Politics of Popular Culture”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Colin Koopman (UOregon)
  • Jennifer Forestal
    Helen Houlahan Rigali Assistant Professor of Political Science, Loyola University Chicago
    Dissertation: “Bringing the Site Back In: Social Media and the Politics of Space”
    Committee: James Farr (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Benjamin I. Page
    Published as: Jennifer Forestal, Designing for Democracy: How to Build Community in Digital Spaces (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)
  • Arda Güçler
    Assistant Professor of International Relations, Özyeğin University
    Dissertation: “Untimely Representation: Deliberation, Urgency, and Democratic Theory”
    Committee: Lars Tønder (Chair); Bonnie Honig, Jacqueline Stevens
  • André Munro
    Dissertation: “Democratic Excess and Popular Sovereignty”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Sarah Maza (History)
  • Anna Terwiel
    Assistant Professor of Political Science, Trinity College
    Dissertation: “Foucault and the Lateral Body Politics of Prison Hunger Strikes”
    Committee: Bonnie Honig (Chair); Lars Tønder, Penelope Deutscher (Philosophy)
  • John Ackerman
    Assistant Professor in Politics and International Relations, Northeastern University London
    Dissertation: “The Politics of Political Theology: Rosenzweig, Schmitt, Arendt”
    Committee: Bonnie Honig (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, Peter Fenves (German), Marc Crépon (École normale supérieure)
  • Crina Archer
    Dissertation: “Time For Democracy: Continuity and Rupture in the Political Thought of Kant, Tocqueville, and Arendt”
    Committee: Linda M.G. Zerilli (Chair); Mary G. Dietz, James Farr
  • Ross Carroll
    Assistant Professor in Political Science, Dublin City University 
    Dissertation: “The Politics of Enthusiasm in Shaftesbury, Hume, and Burke”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Sara Monoson
    Published as: Ross Carroll, Uncivil Mirth: Ridicule in Enlightenment Britain (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021)
  • Menaka Philips
    Assistant Professor of Political Science, the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM)
    Dissertation: “Contesting the Liberal Paradigm: The Case of John Stuart Mill”
    Committee: Mary G. Dietz (Chair); James Farr, Lars Tønder, Elizabeth Beaumont (Minnesota)
  • Diego Rossello
    Associate Professor of Political Science, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
    Dissertation: “The Melancholic Sovereign: The Politics of Human-Animal (In)distinction in Modern Sovereignty”
    Committee: Bonnie Honig (Chair); James Farr, Lars Tønder, Samuel Weber (German)
  • Jake Matatyaou
    Lecturer in Architecture and Urban Design, UCLA
    Dissertation: “Memory – Space – Politics: Public Memorial and the Problem of Political Judgment”
    Committee: Linda M.G. Zerilli (Chair); Bonnie Honig, Samuel Weber (German), Mark Jarzombek (MIT)