Pi Epsilon Delta Newsletter, Issue 2, ca. 1917

Transcription of the Pi Epsilon Delta Newsletter, Issue 2


Vol I. No. 2

Dear Brothers in Arms:

In sending forth this second number of the PI EPSILON DELTA BUGLE I do so with the consciousness that our work has not been unappreciated. I have received a number of responses from our men in service, some of which I am now reproducing. I have also received several letters from Northwestern men in service who received the first of our little service paper. Some of these are more in the nature of informal notes expressing interest in our project; others have written more or less extended letters both describing their experiences in army life, and expressing the hope that their names will not be forgotten as the subsequent issues of this sheet as it comes forth. It has indeed been a source of gratification and pleasure to find that our work has been accepted so generally in the spirit in which it was conceived. It is our sincere hope and desire that the men from Northwestern, as well as our fraternity brethern, will accept this paper as a vehicle for the exchange of communications between the men generally and ourselves at home. Unless the response following each issue warrants a continuance of the work which we have undertaken, this periodical ( if it may be called such) must necessarily expire. Not a great deal of new or exciting events have transpired since last I have written you, or at least come to my notice. Of course it must be borne in mind that the writer himself is no longer at Northwestern and consequently he is relying upon others who are at school to give you an account of what is happening at the place “where we learned our law”.

This second issue has been somewhat delayed in coming forth due to several reasons, one of which is the fact that most of us are such “high browed genius'” when it comes to writing letters that after our literary attempts are completed and ready for transcription it is almost impossible to decipher the hierogliphics that have been spread over the papers which have been submitted. This has led to a not unreasonable demand on the part of Mr. Crossley that our manuscript be typed before handing the same to the office for mimeographing. This would not have a tendency to delay matters if the writer were himself a typist, or if many of his friends has chosen that vocation for their life work. Unfortunately, however, I have been compelled to rely almost exclusively upon the good offices of a very estimable young lady, and she has denoted much of her spare time from her work to this service.

I have devoted most of the week between Christmas and New Year to the solicitation of membership subscriptions to the RED CROSS. As you no doubt know, the Red Cross decided to make a drive for 15,000,000 by January first and in order to attain this goal, they proceeded to organize the work at least in the city in a most efficient manner. The campaign was planned much as a political campaign and the work divided into wards and a ward chairman appointed for each ward and the ward-chairman in turn, parcelled the work in the wards out to precinct captain, who were made responsible for their individuals precincts. In doing this work political ward organizations were called upon for assistance and it was the manner that I was drafted into this service. I have secured over seventy-five members from my precinct and raised between $125 to $150 to the date of this letter.

The letters in this issue extend over a considerable period of time, due to the necessity of holding some of them until succicient material had been collected to justify a second edition. The letter are all most interesting and embrace almost the entire period since our first issue.  

The letter from Van Gray is the equivalent to a Burton Holmes a travelogue or a Pathe Weekly. I think we might all have appreciated more information concerning the meal at which Gray presided as the only representative but one of the sterner sex, surrounded by 600 fair young ladies. I think that I shall ask leave of the Municipal court or the House Committee to propound interrogatories to van in order to learn how he gained ingress to a young ladies’ boarding school. Van was one of the last men to get his letter to me, but I know now that he has been writing it for a long while, and as a result I am able to present both quality and quantity.

To my soldier brothers:

October 30,1917  

In response to the request of the Secretary of War of the Pi Epsilon Delta, I am going to tell you the news:

School opened about the first of October and I just got into town to be on hand, as I had taken a trip to Texas and Old Mexico. While in Mexico I came to the conclusion that the United States was good enough for me, as the Mexicans do not take kindly to the “Mericano”. I might also state that we had some difficulty in leaving the United States as some slackers had gone into Mexico to avoid the draft, so Uncle Sam was on the job. On the return trip I stopped in Houston, Texas, for a few hours. While in Nashville, Tenn., I saw the famous iron statue of Andrew Jackson and the tomb of former president Polk, and also a statue erected in honor of Sam Davis, who was shot as a confederate spy. The memory of Davis is revered by both North and South because he was offered his liberty if he would tell the Federals who furnished him the plans — but this boy refused, sacrificing his life, but not his honor. I also that the pleasure of dining at the Ward Belmont school for girls while in Nashville. The secretary and myself were the only gentlemen in thehall, while there were 600 young women. Gee, but I wish I could go to that school.

At Northwestern things have changed. The second and third year classes have been depleted and are to small that we all have to read the cases. But passing this attempted joke about size, the classes do more, – they are an ever present reminder that our country is at war and the men from Northwestern are showing their loyalty, by not “doing their bit”, but by “giving themselves.”

It is hard to express sentiments in this regard, when the writer is “among the stay-at-homes,” but this is due to the fact that my Services have been rejected by both the Quartermaster’s Corp, and the Signal Corps – aviation department. In regard to the examination for the aviation service, there cannot be a more thorough investigation, than that conducted here in Chicago and any man that succeeds in getting through is the embodyment of physical perfection. My particular defect was eyesight 20/40, but my friend H.C.Wade, who is now in the Aviation service stationed in Texas, led me to believe that I could get in.

I received a letter from Brother Walter Forgy some time ago. He enlisted in the regular army with the Illinois National Guard and was stationed at Houston, Texas.

When I look at the “Honor Roll” on the bulletin board and see the spaces filled with the names of our boys – and on that list may be found the names of men who will add glory and honor to the legal profession when law and order rules the world and that time is bound to come “if this war lasts fifty years and bankrupts the republic”.

One of the pleasures of this [summer?] was to learn that three of my brothers had demonstrated their worth to Uncle Sam and were among those who earned lieutenancies at Fort Sheridan. Congratulations Lieutenant George Kryda add the same to you, Lieutenant Lionel Thorsness, and you too, Lieutenant Lawrence Johnson. Don’t be too hard on Brother Paul Joslin when you meet him on the streets of Camp Ghant. As I near my conclusion, my thoughts jump from our pleasant days together at school, our enjoyable evenings together with the band that Pi Epsilon Delta fraternalism cast around us, and back again to the grim business of war, but I know that no matter what the job is that the men of Northwestern Law School, and particularly the men of P.E.D. will always do their duty and will always remember their happy days spent at the institution from whence we have gleams a knowledge of our law which let us hope may soon be used, but may it never be used as the world is ablaze with fire.

With the best wishes of your friend and brother, Van Dorf Gray.

Van has not permitted his ardor to serve to be dampened by the rejections of which tie has chronicled, but he is at present engaged in spreading the gospel of Democracy in the role of Four-Minute Man at the various theatres of this city. The eloquent word of Van and other four minute men is doing much to crystalize sentiment along the proper channels.

The following two letters from Brother Forgy are both interesting and inspiring. Walter is on the firing line, not because he likes to fight but because he wants to do his duty.



Dear Paul: Somewhere in Texas, Nov.10/17

I certainly appreciated your letter very much indeed. When a man is away from his natural surroundings and those who inhabit the same more especially is this so when such a tie as that which unites us is present, he likes a letter. Army life is as pleasant as such serious business can well be, we are only occasionally reminded that we are preparing to annihilate the subjects of that Military Despot Kaiser Wilhelm, the rest of the time we get lessons in that one little word which we all know, but few can execute it, OBEY, its meaning and use as applied to things Military.

The new bayonet work which they are teaching us when put into practice on human beings would make the occupation of a Butcher a gentle and humane one. We are now at Sour Lake, Texas, guarding the property of the oil companies, which supply to some extent the oil used by the Navy, against possible damage by strikers, I.W.W.’s, and German sympathizers. So far as outsiders is concerned, all is quiet. Some of the real Rookies of our Company furnish entertainment for us.

Well I mustclose if I am to get this started on its way tonight, I heartily approve of your plan. Let the Sec’y of War do the work.

With best wishes for the frat and kindest possible regards for the Sec’y of war, I remain, Fraternally yours, Walter A. Forgy.

Co. B. 132nd Inf. Camp Logan,

Houston, Texas,


Dear Van:

You no doubt think me a rather bum correspondent; well I make no defense but plead guilty to the charge. I don’t know how many times I have started to write you but something always interrupted me and the letter became aged before I got to it.

How is school by this time. I imagine you fellows are getting down to work and that the freshmen are learning for the first time what the difference between a unilateral and a bilateral contract and the necessity for quid pro quo, Well army life has received another shock or rather a rapid change. Last Monday at eleven o’clock we received order to pack up preparatory to moving and by three o’clock we were entrained, about six o’clock that evening we disentrained at Sour Lake about a mile and a half from here. We came out about half way and camped for the night; the next day we were scattered over a territory about two miles square, to guard the oil well against German sympathizers and I.W.W.’s. The Company didn’t fear the strikers as they have been orderly all the time. There has been no trouble as far and the strike is over, – the men who struck have either deserted the Union and gone back to work, or else are on the Company’s blacklist and cannot go back to work. It seems to be rather a case of bad management or malicious conspiracy on the part of some outsiders who influenced the old workers. The men were making good wages and had a steady job with ideal working conditions but they struck to make the Company recognize the union. The reason we are here is the Oil Company which owns these wells are under contract to furnish a certain amount of oil to the U.S.Navy, practically their entire output. Therefore it is to the Gov’ts interest to see that the wells are kept running.

I received a letter from P.E.Price and also one from Northwestern Law School. I certainly appreciated both of them. Rumors are abroad that we move soon, probably about the first of the month. Where we go is merely a matter of speculation. The men here have several different guesses. Minneola, I.S., Chicago, France, Italy and back to Camp Logan are among the number of places mentioned. This guard duty is certainly showing up some of the soldiers which we have here. Some of the boys are afraid of the dark, and others just get lonesome for somebody to talk to.

How are the affairs of P.E.D. coming on? Have you taken in many new members? Who is the chancellor, etc. Do you know whether Lence enlisted or not, and if he did whether he joined the N.G. or Regulars or was drafted. He was planning to enlist from his home town the last time I was talking to him. Also, keep tab on Rohn and if he is sent to Camp Logan let me know and I will hunt him up. Write to me again when it is convenient and I will promise that your next letter will not be so late in corning. Walter Forgy.

Letters like the foregoing from Bargy fill us with pride in the consciousness that our men are at the front fighting for the right, and not for glory.

One can never remain petulant with good old Louie Scharf. Whatever his faults, failure to be accommodating is not one of them. Altho Ring Lardner contributed generously to our first number to my second appeal he has responded with a line of verse that would make Virgil apologetic were he to read it. In composing this verse Louie has confided to me that he invented several new kinds of hitherto unknown species of poetical feet, besides a meter which defies scansion.



Our Secretary of War, Paul E. Price, called upon me last week, and urged that I make another contribution to the Bugle, and in order that I might assuage your feelings of homesickness I began to feel like Macbeth, “If ’twere done when ’tis done, then ’twere well it were done quickly”. Therefore inasmuch as I have already started at the pop of the gun, I shall not finish this epistle until my dilemma is done.

Praise Allah! At last I am alone in my sanctum.

If the fellers had left me hours ago, I’d have thanked ’em.

For this letter must be written before the saloons are cloded tonight,

And here it is a quarter past eight! What to write

Is the question. The Spinx could not give a worse one

To Oedipus. Hang it! If ever a person

Was in a fix, I am. I’m tired of “fair maids”

And “Golden Hair” “blue eyes” and “saucy jades”

With maidens galore thrown in for a border,

Such letters as these are made at short notice to order

and give one dyspepsia. I want something bright

And original. Clark street and a cabaret fight

Will fill up the space if it’s not long enough.

Now let me think. Um-ah-m bother such stuff

Anyway! I’d buy the drinks for a good joke,

I wish I were in the trenches with some Irish bloke,

Ah! I have it. Looking “them” over with Louie Allen.

“‘Twas night. Through the networks of the police we wandered in

Profound passion”. (Pause).

Who is at the window? Hello Ike’ don’t know;

I must write this missile now. What? Can’t go?,

I’m sorry but I ________ yes, I know the Follies fine,

And the girls would be too, but I hav’nt the time.

Much obliged though. So long.”Hang it all. There’s a chance

For some fun thrown away. Wish this thing were in France.

Where was I? “Through the network of police we wandered

In profound passion o’er each street

A soft shower of moonlight had silvered —meat—– sleet ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

What the deuce did it silver? I’m blessed if I know

Tho I had a good line or rhyme a minute ago.

Feet, This blamed stanza I’ll change so’s to make

The second and fourth rhyme. There! that takes the cake,

“Had silvered” —– Come in! Hang it No’ No! old clothes,

(A son of Abraham noticed a service star in our front window and

wants to buy my brother’s old clothes)

Nor old hats; nor old neckties ; nor shirta; Well suppose

You do pay cold cash, I don’t care! Shut the door,

Clear out! Scoot! I know but you said that before.

Old shoes? Yes I have. There! Eurehka that slipper

went straight to the mark, but he won’t be so chipper

The next time he comes. Now once more for my muse

Where’s my pen? Oh Yes, Shoot! How quickly I lose

The connection. Um, well, I can’t seem to find out

For the life of me what I’m writing about.

What the dickens was that? “Through the network of boughs a

Soft shower of moonlight had silvered”——– the c ows

I suppose. Blame it all. What in time this verse

I can’t find a rhyme and its getting worse and worse

Now, then, for some good stuff. See if I can’ t arouse

Myself up to this ting, “Thro the network of boughs

A shower of moonlight had shivered with Midas like touch,”

Thats good, “Midas like”, Um it don’t matter much

If Midas did plating in silver or gold

It sounds rather classic learned and old

Had silvered” (Long pause Nature called at my back door)

Back at my desk again staring like a loon at the corner

And wondering if ever a man were forloner

Than I am. I doubt it. Why should I be cooped up here

When I can’t finish this letter. A [beor?]

And some fellows to pay for it will just hit the spot

But how in h–l can you sail without a yacht

In the deep?

In the mud. Blame it. Ouch! Now my arms have gone asleep,

How is a poor mortal to write when—— Come in!

Another old soldier. No! Haven’t the tin.

And besides your drunk (Phew! What a breath.

Enough now to last till the day of my death

And have some left over.) They don’t serve wash downs

Where he drinks of course.

And my friend drank enough to fell a hearse, no horse.

Now the rest of this junk must be finished up. I’e no time

To monkey any longer. I’ll climb

Out of this in short order. “With Midas like touch

Had silvered the streets. Did you ever see such

Idiotic, nonsensical lines as those last

Two or three are? You guys will givo me a blast

When you get this. Hi-ho–hum. Hully Gee I’m sleepy

This room is as warm as toast, too. Ho-ow, what a creepy

Delightful sensation a yarn is. “Haec Dixit.

The bars will be closed in an hour, wish I hadn’t started this writ

“And as we saw yon distant sign, little Louis thus spakes

Shall we go hither, and I bewildered said for goodness sakes

The British captured Jerusalem, but ——the coppers are now

Making a raid My dilemma is now at the end of it’s worse

And deliver me from writing any more verse

For of the two contributions I have already, scribbled

You will march to Berlin, and the Fritz will be riddled,

All you fellows will alight on him like a queen bee,

Tum – de – diddle – de – dum – dee – dee.

In conclusion, I am desious of informing you that I have pull ed up my stakes and left Northwestern. I am now employed in the Clair department of the Poyal Indemnity Company, receiving a comfortable salary, first class men to work for, and a bevy of pretty girls to work around with. The Third officers Reserve corps opened yesterday, and I was very much conspicuous by my absence. I’ll surely get into the Fourth O.R.C. I enlisted for the Balloon squad, and if my equilibrium is in good condition, I will go to Fort Omaha, Nebraska.

Don’t let Fritz through the lines until I come with my togs on, and get on in No Man’s Land gridiron and tackle the brute.

Adieu, Lewis Scharf.

It has been a source of satisfaction and inspiration to learn that our work has been of interest and pleasure not only b to the members of the Pi Epsilon Delta Fraternity, but to our college associates as well. Such letters as the following from Private Perlman are a token of appreciation, which makes us feel our motive enlarging the original scope of the Bugle was not misunderstood.


Rock Island Barracks, Rock Is. Dec. 9,1917

My dear Mr. Price:

Many thanks for your long letter. It was certainly a surprise, a pleasant one I must say, and as for news, well it was worth more than all the newspapers I have seen since I have been out here. I am going to try to reciprocate and write you a little news myself, hoping it will get to the boys in service thru your efforts.

As you know, I am stationed out at Rock Island as a part of an attachment of the American Ordnance Base Depot in France. Organization is not yet developed to any great extent, so there is many hardships and sensations that one doesn’t get when conditions are normal. Of late, more so than before, I have seen the value of Preparedness, in fact I have felt the lack of preparedness, and feel it bad; no uniform, civilian clothes worn to shreds, housed in barracks made of wood and paper, etc., this including minor details some perhaps not worth mentioning.

As I said before, our barracks are constructed of wood and paper (thick paper compositions). Of course there are windows and planty of them as I know when they are open at night in zero weather Its great, only it kind of makes one long for a steam heated flat.

There are about 500 men in the barracks who, when not drilling or working, stay in their cots ( where I am writing you this letter) passing their time in some fashion or other. At present some of the fellows are playing a banjo, guitar and singing, while others are reading, writing and smoking. It looks as if I’ll fall for the weed; so far I haven’t succumbed, but it looks dark for me. I’ve got to rest right here. My upper berth is kind of calling for a rest. I have been sleeping all day, a fine way to spend a Sunday. It is a great life if you don’t weaken, as the boys out here say. How can you weaken when, in spite of all hardships, you gain weight even and remember that the same was an habitual of the smoking room, using it to the best advantage. In fact, I think those settles miss me, and I certainly do miss their company, take it from me, I don’t know how long I am going to stay out here, but while I do, keep on sending the letters, I certainly do appreciate them, wonderful work you are doing I must say.

Hoping this finds you in the best of health, I am, Sincerely,

Pte. W. D. Perlman.

good work, Perlman! Let us hear from you again.


Bro. Rattner is one of the brothers who has not been able to contribute to this number. As Brother Kirk said, Ernie is very much occupied as an investigator for the U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. He is having many unique experiences and I am confident that I will inveigle him into writing something for our neXt number. Ernie gets in our building and calls in the adjoining office quite frequently, and only this morning he was relating what an astute detective he had become. It seems that some man who claims to have been hurt by striking his arm on a nail in abath house which is insured by Ernie’s employer. Ernie believes that he shall be able to establish by his expert witnesses that the character of the cut is such that it could have been made only by some sharp substance as a razor or a knife. Ernie’s theory is that this man evidently cut himself and is trying to fix liability on the bath house. It must be conceded that only an analytical mind on a par with Sherlock Holmes could contract so excellent a theory.

Next to being able to attend our regular meetings I can imagine nothing so satisfying than to be able to read an account of such meetings as related by Walter Hassmann. He will indeed be able to make you feel that altho not present with us personally at least you know everything which has transpired.


Dear Brethern:

Feeling that a class in Equity is less important than writing to the boys in service, I am going to spend this period in writing you and letting you know how things are back home If there is any incoherence you will know that Professor Schofeld spoke loud enough to distract my attention. As for Pi Epsilon Delta, we are going along with more pep than ever before. Our numbers, of course are smaller than when you were with us, but we have not lost heart. Being secretary, I feel the duty rests upon me to let you know all that has occurred thus far. We held the first meeting of this semester at the home of Van Gray. Among those present were [Harry Swan?], Paul E. Price, Arthur Malina, Howard Kirk, Lewis Scharf, [Wm. Rohn?], Harvey Meyer, Van Gray and myself. We expect to have another meeting shortly, and then for the big initiation. Our only regret are that you can’t be with us.

Northwestern is the same old place as far as the building is concerned, but the Junior class looks as though it had been swept by a cyclone. The Freshman class, however, is strong, totalling about 90 students. Will write you more some other time, and let you know all about the initiation. Good luck and best wishes for your good lealth

Fraternally, W.E.Hassmann.

Another letter which we especially welcome to your correspondent was the following from Lindley


Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga,

Dear Mr. Price:

Altho I am not a member of your fraternity, nevertheless your monthly letter contained many items of interest, I am sure to both non-fraternity men and those of other organizations. As a member of Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity, I wish to express my thanks to both you and Mr. Crossley for your kindness in forwarding me a copy. I am confident that it will be eagerly accepted by men in the service, inasmuch as some of us hear very little of things at the law school. I am at present a member of the Florida National Guard and am located at Camp Wheeler, Ga., but as this division is in a well trained condition we expect overseas service in the near future. Thanking you again, and extending personal greetings to the members I happen to be acquainted with, I am                               Philo M. Lindley


We all hope that Lindley will not limit his subsequent l e tt e rs to mere words of approval and commendation, but will see fit to tell us of some of his experiences,

Brother Lecin has little to say but what he does say, I am sure you will agree, rings with heartfelt sincerity. Here is his message.

To the Members of the P.E.D. who are now in the Military Service of the United States: Dear Brothers:

As I ponder over what I could write to all or any of you which would show you that the rest of the P.E.D. who are left behind are nevertheless with you, altho not in body yet in spirit, the thought of the noble cause for which you have sacrificed your time, energy and pleasure instills in me a desire to be with you. But necessity compels me, as well as others, to stay behind. At all of the gatherings of the P.E.D. we speak of our Brothers in the military service and wish them a felicitious military career and a speedy capture of the Kaiser.

Fraternally yours, Francis X. Lecin.

Another busy “Lieut” from Northwestern has taken sufficient time to acknowledge receipt of our publication. Frank Marshall writes:

Dear Friend Paul:

Received the publication of your fraternity, dealing with correspondence, etc., of men in the service and I enjoyed it immensely. Thanking you and wishing you all the best luck, I remain Yours very truly, Frank G. Marshall

Here ‘s one from Malin who writes in a somewhat serious view:

To you in a khaki uniform – somewhere – under the stars and stripes; to you with your dauntless grin of yankee determination. I am writing a letter. While we here in a comfortable room or at a busy desk console ourselves with thinking that we have done our bit because we have made a meatless day of it or because our new suit has no belt nor patch pockets, you are investing 100% of man in preparing to let them have it across the pond, and its our sincere hope that no Hun will cross your range of vision twice.

But what can we tell you that ‘s new? The war? You know more about that than we do. Peace? You’ll probably know that first, too! You’re going to make it, you know.

Brother Swan writes a combination letter in which he embodies the letter recently received from Lawrence Johns from from “Over There”. Harry’s letter comes comes last because it was the last to arrive, and containing as it does the letter from Johnson, I’m not sure but that it is the “best in all the game”. At any rate, its a corker!

Greetings to the Men in Service:

Those of us at Northwestern Law School, who for various reasons have not yet joined the colors, have great cause to be proud of our Alma Mater when we see, draped over the office door, the large service flag showing 253 stars, hanging beside the stars and stripes. We take pride in the Class of 1917, which presented the national emblem to the Student Body and the School.

Pi Epsilon Delta has double cause to participate in this emotion because seven of those service stars represent P.E.D. men selected from a small membership. Lawrence Johnson, who made the “team” for a second lieutenancy at the first Sheridan Training Camp, and the first P.E.D. to”go over”, writes on December 8, 1917, that he has been transferred to a regular army regiment, Co. H, 9th Inf. (Somewhere in France).

In his letter he says “At the present time we are doing battle with broad- ax and sword (saw), being engaged in a wood chopping detail. We are thus getting a good chance to become acclimated and hardened before entering upon our “real”work. About the middle part of last week, I was pleasantly surprised by the first offering of your trench fund “the general trench fund of N.U.L.S.) and would like to have you express my gratefulness over the remembrance and the thot accompanying it. It is next to impossible to get hold of real American tobacco unless you’re near an American Y.M.C.A. and I havn’t seen any such thing around here as yet. For the first time I am learning to ‘roll my own’.

Being stuck away in the woods here is one of the best things that has happened to me in a long while. The healthful and vigorous work in the open; long hours of sleep, usually from 9 P.M. to about 6:30 A.M.; good, substantial food and lack of dissapation, all combine to develop a good body and a healthy mind. I loved the study of law and worked hard at it. Perhaps I’ll have the opportunity and good fortune to stumble upon some plan whereby I can finish the course upon my return. My one year at the law school stands out as the happiest year thus far in my life; not only was the work great, but I formed some fine acquaintenceships.

Give my cordial, fraternal hand to any new members of the fraternity, also to the old timers. Here’s hoping that the fraternity has a good year! Believe me, I’m learning an awful lot over here; my chief conclusion is to take everything philosophically. Kidding is a pasttime here. If a man pulls a good one on you, you’ve either got to come back with a better one and score a bag on him, or take the gaff and score a point against yourself on account of slow wit. The brother officers pulled a good one on me first shot in the box. I went in to the barber to get a hair trim, and they concocted with him to shave it off, and so the first thing he did was to run a close shave clipper from the top of my neck to the beak of my nose. As a result I’ve got a head that looks like a peeled onion. There’s an awful humor in it all. You bathe in a festive tomato can and eat beefsteak until leather becomes relish. I enjoy it all – there’s just enuf of roughing in it all to bring home the fact that I’m a soldier and about to engage in one of the most terrible cataclysms ever visited upon the earth. We all know the inevitable result – a decisive victory for our cause. We who are fortunate enough to be over here feel the strong backing and encouragement of those back home; whether in khaki or not.”

Such letters as this bring home the heart throbs of the men under arms, and must surely spur us to greater sacrifices for the great cause for which they fight. Best o’luck for every “Yank” in khaki.

Harry Swan.

And now just a word in conclusion. Brother Harvey Meyers has not be able to return to school this year, owing to war conditions. Brother Parlee also has not been able to return to school and is Physical Director in some school, I think in Ohio, but at all events he is physical director some place. Al Sherbahn, when last seen was still living upon the proceeds of some fortutousnspeculations upon the White Sox, but it is rumored that if his application for service in the aviation is rejected, he may apply for something wherein there is some possibility of his being accepted.

As this letter goes to press a number of us are awaiting the result of our physical examination for the draft, and more than one of us has remarked that the only A he ever received was the IA on his draft classification card. Some ofus my soon be with you, but all of us are anxious to hear from you and join with me in wishing you the utmost success and the best of luck,

Fraternally, Paul E. Price,
Secretary of War for Pi Epsilon Delta Legal Fraternity.
440 – 29 So. La Salle St., Chicago