Soldiers’ Newsletter, 14 September 1918

Transcription of the Soldiers' Newsletter, 14 September 1918



Sept. 14, 1918


Friends and Fellow-countrymen:

Lend us your eyes and attention, while we knit into one tale various yarns spun by you and your oo-laborers in Uncle Sam’s mills. We have much to say and, therefore, like all lawyers will Brief:


It is our sad duty to inform you of our great loss in the death of Professor Henry Schofield. This will come to each of you with a sense cf personal bereavement, for he was truly well beloved by the student body. Those of us who have bean associated with him may indeed call oursevles fortunate; and it is now our task to keep alive and ciraculating the effect of the beneficent influence which such a life and character as Mr. Schofield’s impresses upon those whose lives touch his.

From the Saumur Art. School comes this message from one-time Serg. Chipman: “Here is the good news. Your old friend Joe Lemen and I have been commissioned 2nd Lieuts. F.A.N.A. I have seen Traxler and Horton. They, too, are wearing Sam Brown belts.”

And from Lieut. Traxler: “Since last writing you Chipman, Lemen and I have received our commissions. I think our enjoyment would be complete if we could walk into the Law School wearing our Sam Brown belts and overseas caps, neatly tucked over the left ear. You can’t imagine how natty the A.E.F . uniforms look; you would never in the world believe we were Americans! In the bext bunch from Camp Jackson Friend (pardon me, Lieutenant) Horton arrived to add to the Law Schhool delegation. I don’t say that is the reason, but ever since then the weather has been warm, warmer and warmer. In the real heavies (where I am it will probably be necessary to attend one or more schools after completing the course here. To think that I considered myself fit to fight the Germans after graduating from Camp Grant!”

It gives us great pleasure, both editorially and personally, to offer hearty congratulations to these four young men who started from the bottom rung of the army ladder, and have now reached this coveted goal. We have more such to tell about later on.

August Mroz, 1919, now stationed at Camp Wheeler in the Field Sig, B’n, writes of an unusual experience in getting into an army camp: “We were sent out by our board on Monday, May 27th. The trip was delightful all day Monday, but turned out to be rather disagreeable on Tuesday for we did not receive anything to eat on that day, and, even worse, no water or anything else to drink all that hot day. As soon as we reached Chattanooga we all ran out for a bite to eat. I happened to be in charge of 12 men and was ordered to get the ‘eats’ whereever I could. Our train was scheduled to leave 30 minutes from the time of our arrival in Chattanooga. I, with my ‘gang’ doubled time for the near restaurants. We all had a hearty meal and hurried back to the station. Arriving there we found that our train had left, and if ever there was a sorry looking bunch of fellows, we were them. There were a few more than 50 of us in that predicament, so we all reported ourselves to the local military police. That evening we were sent by auto to Ft. Oglethorpe for four days, and sure did enjoy it, for we were under no guard or any orders. We all took advantage of our liberty and visited Lookout Mt. and the old Civil war battlefields. On Saturday we received orders to depart, and reached Camp Wheeler Sunday morning. I might add that we saw the prison camp for our ‘friendly enemies’ at Ft. Oglethorpe. It sure did seem a fitting place for them. Here I have been assigned to the 106th Engs. Mr. Andreen, 1919, is in the same unit with me.”

Mr. S.E.Hood, now stationed in the C.A.C.T.C. at Fort Monree, gives us some news, and omits some: “Greetings from the Hottest Place on Earth – or anywhere else! The course of training here is very technical, and exacting. An engineer has less trouble here than a lawyer, as a course in Bankruptcy doesn’t to help very much in a midnight ‘shot at Polaris’ to find the gezement of a target line. Ran onto Lt. Sherwood down in Norfolk a couple of weeks ago and we spent an evening exchanging experiences . I did most of the listening as an aviator has it all over the artillery when it comes to ‘joy in living’. Also saw Rohn down at the Pier one evening . He is in the Chauffuer’s School near Newport News, and has gained in weight so much I had to look twicw before I knew him.” The little item omitted was supplied by Lt. Sherwood, who favored us with a call recently. He said he met Mr. Hoax with a very charming lady, and they were then on their way to the minister’s; and that this same young lady, then Mrs. Hood, was a third part at the conference above referred to by Mr. Hood. Again, we extend our congratulations and good wishes.

We are glad to hear from a “tank” man, Corporal Schmidt, now with the 302nd Btn Tank Corps, Tobyhanna, Pa: “From the news letters it would seem that the boys are beating me to it as far as getting across is concerned, but I am living in hopes that my turn will come soon. I peculiarly situated in the Tank Corps as most of the men are mechanics, engineers, or machinists, and where I will land is a question. At present I am corporal of a six inch gunner, and I am going to do my best to [ho__?] this for I am of the opinion that the Tank Corps, when it goes into action, will offer more real excitement than any other service, barring none. I was pleased to note that Dean Wigmore has made another rise up the ladder. In looking over the bulletin I cannot help feeling proud that I am a Northwesternite, for the Northwestern men are surely gettig there in this war.” And we are glad to be represented in the Tanks.

The dauntless doughboy Levitetz has been transformed into a sister of mercy. As he tells it: “Uncle Sam transferred me out of the infantry to bee base hospital because when equipped with a full pack, rifle, gas mask, etc. all the officers could see was equipment and no soldier. I have been attending school since the transfer and am taking an extensive course in scrubbing floors, washing windows and making beds. Besides, I’ve been learning nursing. Can you imagine a wounded soldier being nursed back to life by me? After the roll is called and I get into my size 48 overalls and jacket, I don’t have to sneak away to get out of dirty work, but all I have to do is to pull my head, arms and legs inside of them, and they never know where I disappeared to.” Mr. L’s sense of humor is so large, it makes the rest of him seem undersized.

It is always a pleasure to hear from the 149th. Joseph Wagner writes “June 30th, A few words to let you know I am O. K. We moved last week by train from the front where we have spent so much time.” “July 9th: A short note from a busy soldier. From the reports there are plenty of American boys here, but we don’t get to see any outside of our divisions.”

Speaking of the 149th F.A., we give herewith some extracts from a letter received by Col. Wigmore from Capt. Wolf ( L.S.1910), formerly of the 149th and now serving as Asst. Chief of Operations on the Gen’l Staff of the 42nd Division. The letter is dated July 9th. He says: “I drew what I believe to be the first divisional march orders ( over 100 miles thru snow and zero weather at Christmas week) and subsequently all the raids, attacks, etc. of the division. We went on the line in February and have served in Lorraine and Champagne, and have intimations of our employment further west. We are the first American Div. to take over an entire division sector. — We have had many interesting experiences and some vicissitudes. Our fighting record is very satisfactory. The men are strong, willing and very intelligent; our artillery, engineers and signal corps superb, and our trains are beyond criticism. We have had a number of serious and difficult missions, and are expecting more before the year is out. The American troops will ultimately restore the balance and save the thing from the dark blue of its aspect at the end of the March offensive. We are proud of our record, that after months on the line, during many of which we had from 10 to 20 combat patrols out a night, and having to defend under frequent local attack (served on those occasions by intense projector gas) we have never allowed the enemy to penetrate even our advanced elements and have lost all told only seven prisoners, of which but two were unwounded. After one attack made by a barrage of 600 projectors the Iowa regiment met the detachments which were following thereon and annihilated them – an accomplishment which I doubt any troops could improve on, and very few have been able to effect.

This apparent bravure is only in testimony to the fine fighting qualities of our troops. Our engineers have fought the mud of spring, and accompanied our attacks with fine courage, and our artillery, among which is my old regiment, the 149th, have been alert, and fire with great accuracy and effect. Our signal troops (than which I doubt if there are their equal in Europe) have kept communications always open and made their installations in advance of the moment of our use thereof. The trains have never allowed any adversity or inderiction to prevent the performance of their mission. All in all, we are proud of a powerful and smoothly running machine.”

These words surely fill every American with pride. We are glad they come from one of of our own men. Besides our representations in the in the 149th we have Lieut. E. S.Scheffler, 1916, who has written some mighty interesting letters of the work of his 165th Inf., which has seen much and extremely active service. Perhaps we can hear from him directly next time.

W.S.Perlman and M.R.Shapiro are in the same Ordnance Unit in the A.E.F. Mr. Perlman says in a letter to Col. Wigmore: “In my short career in the army I have travelled considerably, thru many states, thru a wonderful part of England and a big part of France. Previous to my transfer to this depot I was stationed near where Joan of Arc was one time imprisoned, and where Caesar’s road cut thru. It was my good fortune to destroy where Caesar built (such is the fortune of war) with the aid of pick and shovel, ably assited by a one time Northwestern man, Morris Shapiro, who happens to be in my detachment at this time. I’m working hard, much more so than in civilian life, serving to the front the stuff that does the damage – every variety and description of this wonderful article. I’m somewhere in the valley of the Marne, a beautiful country, abounding in beautiful scenry.”

Lieut.Groth (now a 1st; congratulations again extended) writes of his wanderings during the past months:”Early in May I left Camp Grant with troops for the sunny State of Texas, and it was some sunny, believe me. On my way back north, stopped at Dallas to see how the interior of the state appeared from an aeroplane at a height of 5,000 ft., in company with my brother-in-law, and thence back to Camp Grant where I arrived just in time to say Goodbye, since the whole artillery brigade started on a march to Sparta, Wis. I being in the Heavies (beware, Lt. Traxler) had the pleasure of walking every step of the way, 120 miles, to some point in Wisconsin where I received a little ‘billy doo’ to travel to Camp Jackson, S.C. My arrival in South Carolina was attended with extreme heat and an introduction to one of the most wonderful cantonments in the country, for in it may be seen the exemplification of the finest of all American Army traditions, and that is Efficiency Plus. Here the new recruit is made into a finished artilleryman with unprecedented opportunities for advancement. The spirit of the veriest recruit is admirable and enthusiasm boundless; and could the boche see what we are given the privilege of seeing daily, his thoughts would be even more troubled than at present.”

Private 1st Class Turnbull says: “My fortunes since last writing ye have been many and varied. The old Third B’n left for overseas in May I had been in the shopital for some time with my ear trouble, but about a week before the marching orders for the 3rd came thru I was back on duty, only to come down a few days later with measles, and not German ones either. The result was that during the embarkation of the Third I was lying on my back, kicking the roof off the hospital. When I was again discharged from confinement I was sent to the 15th Service CO. and was put at office work, where I have since remained with the exception of three weeks confinement with the mumps. You see I am just now in my second childhood, and having been visited with none of the ailments incident to that period of life, I am now receiving full benefit of the same.” We sincerely trust that Mr Turnbull’s hospital days are all behind him, and that he will be successful in his hopes for the S.CO.T.C

Lieut. Wade, Aviation, thinks he is destined to do his fighting in the Lone Star State: “My ‘official status’ at present is instructor in aerial gunnery, and the real work consists in piloting a machine with a gunner in the rear seat, observing the marksmanship of the student, making suggestions and marking the student’s work. We don’t [march?] as strictly as Prof. Costigan does, but some of us are becoming quite ‘hard-boiled’. Deside ‘official duties’ (pur pet expression) we are being royally entertained by the hospitable people of southern Texas, the fair sex in particular. One would almost like to be an amateur always and, if necessary, have the war continue indefinitely. Most of the N.U.L.S. fellows I have met in this vicinity have left. Cook, Grubb, Wiley, Taylor and Skinner have gone and I believe are away from the heat and sandstorms of Texas. I appreciate the newsletters very much. Thro this means I want to say ‘Hello’ to all N.U.L.S. acquaintences.”

R.V.Jackson, after months of silence, tells us that since his induction into service eleven months ago “I have struggled along, always hopefully, and have succeeded in raising myself to a first sergenate in a Q.M. detachment of 350 men. I have repeatedly been denied admission to various O.T.C. because of slight physical defects, but I expect to wear an officer’s hat cord soon, as I have been recommended for a commission as 2nd Lieut. Q.M.C.” Here’s hoping it all comes true.

Miss Signal Corps Goliman thinks Camp Dix must be way off the map “I certainly envy the boys over in France I not only because they are “Over There” and have an opportunity of seein La Belle France, but because everyone seems to meet some one from dear old Northwestern Law. Why the dickens doesn’t some one from that place come this way? I’m beginning to think that no one knows that Camp Dix even exists, even tho it is one of the largest camps in the country.”

Here’s the echo! “My present address is Personnel Office, Camp Dix N.J. Was recently promoted to 1st Lt. and transferred to the Adj [Geb’s?] Dept. I am anxious to know definitely whether Miss Goldman is stationed at Camp Dix. I agree with her about the New Jersey Insects. Lyle H. [Six?]

Just wish for something and there it is.

Henry M. Cohen is also of the 106th Eng. He asks “Why did they [pick?] a law student for an engineer? However, the big gods know best, and what matter the branch so long as it is service in the same cause for [?]

Another Over There man is Corp. L.W.Crawford is of the 10th M.G.Bn. He reports having just returned from the front where he had been for 28 days, going “over the top” and all the experiences attendant thereto . Francis Lecin is in the District Enrolling office at Great Lakes, and reports good health and appetite.

Messrs. Fullenkamp and McCoy, of the Great Lakes, have ambitions to move south from Great Lakes to the Pier, or to an eastern port.

Harry Lawrence is one of the latest “rookies” over in”Jake’s” part of the country, Camp Custer, Michigan.

Again Louie Caldwell has made good grades, and now is an Aspirant to becoming a regular devil (blue), in the French Artillerie.

Geo. F. Kryda, 1st Lieut. Q.M.C.N.A., is among those present in France.

Another winner is 2nd Lieut. Theodore Stone, who was assigned to the 86th Div., and has put his clothes in that trunk.

Lieut. S. F. White arrived in France early in August. He is with the Div. Hdqtrs of the 36th Div., doing personnel work.

It was a grief to the editor to have missed the class of Lieut. Brown, home on sick leave, and Cadets V.A.Bell and P.D.Hoffman in August. These gentlemen are all at Camp Dick, Dallas, now, and we understand the to latter vote the life of a cadet not a merry one.

Lieuts. Sherwood, Henderson and Lorin Taylor did find us in, and it was a pleasure to see them and hear what they had to say. Lt. J.Max had come from the bombing school at Dayton, where he expected he might return.

Joe F. Allen is at the U.S.Naval Air Station at Pensacola, and Lloyd M. is seeking admittance to a higher branch of the ordnance corps

  1. H. Bielfeldt and Samuel Moses have been transferred to the 6th Regiment Band, Great Lakes.

Benj. Black is at Base Hospital 49, A.E.F., and working hard.

It’s Serg. Blim. He paid us a brief call recently. He is impatiently expecting to winter as well as summer in Florida.

A.H.Cohn is at the Gunner’s Mates School at Great Lakes, and likes [?]

At last reports Serg. Art. Hall was “raving” over the charms of the maids of Paree, and laying plans to bring one home toserve as office boy in the firm of Hall, Henderson & Sherwood. He will have to watch out lest the aviators fly away with her.

2nd Lieut. Maurice James has won his commission at the Camp Taylor Art. T.C. and has been retained there as instructor.

W.B.Jarvis is Serg. in the Q.M.C., A.P.O., 733, A.E.F.

Another Lady Star! Miss Jones, formerly the right hand office lady, is now a yeomanette, working on the Div. of Enlisted Personnel Board, in Washington. That’s a little nearer France than Chicago.

It gives us great pleasure to chronicle Lieutenant Wm.G.Lodwick, USMC. He, aosl, is instructing, at Quantico. Good teaching produces good teachers. That’s why so many of our men are held for instructors.

Serg . McKenzie, of the N.U.Hosp. Unit, has succeeded in being transferred to the Artillery. Since he is the only man in the unit who has been able to obtain a transfer, we send special congratulations.

Corp. Joe Mayer is in the 354th Aero Sq., A,E,F., and A.H.Sherbahn is with the 209th Engs. Camp Sheridan, Ala.


There’s a lot more to tell you, but four pages is our limit. Next time we’ll tell about the N.U.L.S.S.A.T.C. We’ll all be in uniform! SALUTE!

(Save and Conserve. Use Both Sides of the Paper.)