Current Initiatives

Methods for Reporting, and Accountability

The Committee for Equity and Inclusion (CEI) is tracking statistics and monitoring the department’s progress in achieving its equity goals, to ensure the accountability of not only individual members but the department as a whole.  The CEI will regularly report this information to the department and to university offices, and make it available for prospective applicants and the broader academic community. 

Education & Training

Beginning in the fall of 2022, the CEI will be inviting speakers to give talks on diversity, equity, and inclusion-related topics at the P&A department colloquium.

The CEI is also interested in promoting regular, department-wide training events to educate the community on issues of equity and climate.

Self-Assessment & Evaluations

As part of its efforts to assess the department climate, and track its progress in improving inclusivity and community representation, the CEI is developing multiple assessment strategies that will be regularly implemented. The CEI is helping the department arrange for an external “site visit” from the American Physical Society along with an associated climate survey, and is also in the process of exploring options for internal climate surveys and arranging for data sharing with the University’s Office of Equity  and The Graduate School’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Recruitment Practices

The CEI has already been coordinating with the graduate admissions committee and new faculty search committees to ensure the adoption of equitable best practices.  Moving forward, the CEI is working to formalize the methodologies, procedures, and record keeping for all avenues of department recruiting: from undergraduate and graduate to permanent staff and faculty.

APS Bridge Program Membership

The CEI worked with the Physics and Astronomy department to apply for membership to the APS Bridge Program. Northwestern is now a participating institution, a status which grants the department access to APS Bridge Program resources and informational materials as we consider the possibility of developing a bridge program in the future.