New features will be released 02-06-2019
Added Total Charges to Billing Pages
- Non-paginated views on the Billing tab will display the total for all orders at the bottom of the page
- On the Create Journal page, transactions with invalid payment sources are excluded from the total
New Core Relay Tool
- Cores can now turn all facility relays on or off with one button
- Function is located on the Products–>Instruments page to help avoid accidental use
Designate Payment Source when Adding to an Order
- Added the ability to choose the Payment Source when adding items to an existing order
- The Payment Source will default to the one used to purchase the original Cart or Reservation
- If the original Cart Payment Source is “Expired”, “Suspended”, or the Purchaser no longer has access, that payment source will not be available
Added Support for Multi-Core Purchase Orders/Credit Cards
- One Purchase Order/Credit Card Payment Source may be shared among multiple cores
- Only the NUcore Support team can add additional facilities to a single-facility P.O./C.C.
- Each core is still responsible for generating and reconciling its own invoices
Fixed the Quantity/Time Entry field when adding a Timed Service to a Bundle