20151007 Release

Today we released new features and fixes to NUCore. Please review the list below and contact nucore@northwestern.edu with any questions or comments.


  1. Added new “Recent Cores” list to top of facility page after user log in
  • Five most recently used facilities will appear at the top of the core facility list to facilitate faster order creation
  1. Updated look of Facility home page
  • Updated font type and size
  • Added character limit to ‘Short Description’ which appears on the NUCore homepage to assist users with locating their desired core more quickly
    • Limit is 300 characters
    • If the existing text exceeds 300 characters, the limit will be invoked when the text is next modified
    1. Fixed bug which would prevent facility managers from canceling admin reservations
    2. Fixed bug which could prevent external users from logging in
    3. Fixed bug which could cause an error if Billing Notifications exceeded a certain threshold
