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Category: Behind the Scenes

Breaking News! Big Bound Newspapers Get Boxed: Housing a Chicago Tribune Collection

By Julie Calcagno Taking on a large collection housing project, especially if you’ve never done one before, can be daunting. There are so many...
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Award-winning librarian gets all the love for his community focus

Sure, librarian Ted Quiballo was pleased to find out he had been named one of 10 winners of an annual recognition from the American...
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Stjopka Collages Revealed

By Laura Berenger The collage artworks by Stjopka (born 1956) present a very detailed world and an imagination that is adventurous, historical, tender, macabre,...
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Photography exhibit in the library showcases student art

A new partnership between the Art Library and the department of Art Theory & Practice has created a space for showcasing student photography on...
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Moving ‘Matrix’: A big project to protect a bigger painting

By Susan Russick, Special Collections Conservator Over the summer, University Library is undergoing a significant renovation of its entrance hallway. For visitors, this means...
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