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Photography exhibit in the library showcases student art

A new partnership between the Art Library and the department of Art Theory & Practice has created a space for showcasing student photography on the third floor of University and Deering Library.

Art Library head Cara List says she had been hoping to launch a student art exhibit space for years, and when the opportunity arose in 2022 to propose a pilot program with Art Library Coordinator Perry Nigro, she jumped at it.

“Art Theory and Practice offers opportunities for student artwork to be seen, but by creating a gallery in the library we are able to offer a portal to a wider audience, a learning experience for budding artists, and an opportunity for exposure to art for our broader community,” said List.

List and Nigro collaborated with professor Pamela Bannos to give a platform to undergraduates learning to use 35mm cameras, film, and darkroom techniques. Bannos has been teaching at Northwestern for 30 years, and her Introduction to Photography is a popular course that has “remained in the darkroom for as long as I’ve been teaching at Northwestern,” she said.

Because Introduction to Photography is offered every quarter, the exhibit will be frequently updated, providing a chance to engage with new art students and feature their aesthetic contributions.

“It seems natural that the Art Library would seek out artists and artwork that enliven—for lack of a better word—physical spaces within the library,” said Nigro.

Bannos noted that this project is mutually beneficial: it is a great showcase of the work being done in Intro to Photography, leading visitors back to the art department, and in turn, art students who seek the exhibit are encouraged to explore the library.

Though this began as a pilot program, List says that it has gone smoothly, and has given her hope for expansion.

“My hope is to continue this service into the future, and to potentially expand it to other spaces in the library and to students working in other media,” she said.

The exhibit space is on the third floor of University Library and Deering Library, in the hallway connecting the two buildings. Follow the sign for the Ver Steeg Faculty Lounge. The current gallery will be up until the end of the quarter.