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About Us

About Us

The Northwestern Medical Orchestra was formed in the Spring of 2018 by first-year medical students to provide an instrumental musical experience for members of the Northwestern medical community in downtown Chicago. The orchestra’s first season culminated in a two-concert series including works by Dvorak, Beethoven, Ravel, and John Williams.

Over the years, NMO’s activities have evolved–first to continue making music safely during the pandemic and then to continue including as many musicians as possible. We are proud to offer not only an orchestral program but also chamber music and wind band concerts throughout the year. All of our activities are still organized by a student board!

NMO hopes to share its music with students, physicians, staff, and patients alike. Please click here if you are interested in joining or here to learn more about supporting our work.

Quick Facts about NMO

110+Medical musicians in our orchestra

4+Concerts per year

400+Audience members at each concert