The e-journals, e-books and databases in this list are composed of selected titles acquired during the past year. For access to all of Northwestern University Library’s electronic resources, use NUsearch from the Library’s homepage.
Northwestern University Library’s Acquisitions and Metadata Services Department supports online collection building, acquiring and managing access to online content, and providing collection and budget analysis for assessment of the impact of collections in support of university academic programs, their place in consortia efforts, and library administrative needs.
Part of the mission of the Acquisitions and Metadata Services is to acquire and license online resources as selected by the subject specialists for the collections. Acquisitions staff establishes and maintains seamless access to online content. Acquisitions initiates and fulfills requests for collection analysis and supports collection budget management.
For questions or comments about this list, contact Tim Hagan, Electronic Resources Librarian.
For questions or comments about the Acquisitions and Metadata Services, contact Catherine Grove, Head of Acquisitions and Metadata Services.
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