09/21: Wouter van Limbeek

Commensurators and arithmeticity of thin groups

Abstract: The commensurator of a discrete, Zariski-dense subgroup \Gamma of a simple Lie group G contains information on the arithmetic nature of \Gamma: For example, in 1974, Margulis proved that if \Gamma is a lattice and its commensurator is dense, then \Gamma is arithmetic. In 2011, Shalom asked if the same is true only assuming \Gamma is Zariski-dense in G. I will report on recent progress on this question that uses ideas from infinite ergodic theory, profinite actions, representation theory, Brownian motion, random walks and the structure of locally compact groups. I will show how these combine to give information on commensurators and applications to problems in group theory, hyperbolic 3-manifolds, and structure of arithmetic lattices in Lie groups. This is joint work with D. Fisher and M. Mj.