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MSHE 406: Research I: Question Development and Literature Review
MSHE 407: Research II: Research Methodology and Data Collection
MSHE 408: Research III: Analysis, Interpretation, and Dissemination
MSHE 460: Proseminar in Higher Education
MSHE 462: The College Student
MSHE 465: Law and Ethics in Higher Education
MSHE 466: Budgeting and Finance in Higher Education
MSHE 467: History and Philosophy of Higher Education
MSHE 468: Higher Education Policy
MSHE 471: The Comprehensive Community College
MSHE 472: Assessment in Higher Education
MSHE 473: Structure, Governance, and Leadership in Higher Education
MSHE 475: Crisis Management and Mental Health Issues
MSHE 476: Enrollment Management Theory and Practice
MSHE 477: Developing and Coaching Leadership: Fundamentals and Learning Strategies
MSHE 478: Global Issues and Strategic Partnerships
MSHE 479: Advancing Diversity and Inclusion Through Intentional Leadership and Organizational Change