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Chris Neary


SAM iterative instruction model diagram

Use the SAM model when you have previous experience teaching a specific course. Michael Allen, an educator and software developer, developed the Successive Approximation Model, or SAM, in 2003 (Allen, 2003). SAM uses the “ADD (Analysis, Design, and Development)” of ADDIE to allow iterative testing among the design and development stages of instructional design. This


ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) is one of the most common models educators use to design, implement, and evaluate courses. Analysis Set instructional goals, success metrics, and overall (course) objectives Determine desired learners’ environment, preferences, demographics, and existing knowledge and skills Design Determine desired learners’ objectives, methods, activities, storyboards, content, subject matter knowledge, lesson

Zoom Process, Tips & Tricks

Zoom is a web-based, teleconferencing tool that MSHE facilitates to deliver its remote and blended-learning courses. This post describes the basic process that you and your students will follow to conduct a Zoom session. It will also include tips and tricks that participants can use to reduce interruption or confusion. The goal is for all

Turnitin in Canvas

The NU Canvas Learning Community provides great how-to videos and articles on Turnitin, the university’s plagiarism check tool that integrates with Canvas. Create a Turnitin Assignment in Canvas Inform students that you will use this tool for certain assignments–earlier in the quarter, the better Preferred use is on substantial, research-based papers or essays that require

Using Box for lectures, presentations

Box, Northwestern University’s cloud-based storage system, is a helpful organizational tool for class presentations, lectures, and projects. Can’t get your laptop or flash drive to work correctly or show the files you need? Laptops can perform automatic updates at the worst possible moment. Flash drives, especially, can become problematic if not formatted correctly. Uploading and

GradeSync: Sending grades from Canvas to CAESAR

From the NU Canvas Learning Center: Northwestern University recently launched GradeSync, a tool that allows you to review, modify, and submit final grades from Canvas courses to CAESAR. This saves you time from manually entering final grades in CAESAR. Read the step-by-step guide here in using GradeSync in Canvas. A few things to note Make

Flipgrid for Video Introductions

  Flipgrid has become an increasingly popular social platform globally, aimed at student discussion, engagement, and formative assessment through video. The MSHE program has used this third-party tool in various ways. Below I outline the benefits of using Flipgrid in your course, both in face-to-face courses and blended courses. Technical capabilities Customizable page branding Option

Role of Faculty in a Blended Course

social web

By Derek Thurber, Originally published on March 16, 2016 Classes are no longer as simple as 30 students sitting in rows before a blackboard, students are no longer as limited to gathering knowledge in school, and teachers are no longer just lecturers. In this new, interconnected and networked world, what is the role of faculty

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