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Chris Neary

Feb. 11, 2021: Faculty Well-Being Conversations–Aligning Time with Priorities

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly altered academic life for faculty. Join this monthly faculty forum, facilitated by Lesley Lundeen, Well-being Manager, Human Resources, for conversation, sharing, and connection, focused on well-being, boundary setting, and stress reduction. This month we will watch the Aligning Time with Priorities live webinar from the National Center for Faculty Development

Feb. 3, 2021: Navigating Northwestern as a Faculty of Color

Faculty of color face unique challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic and the national (and local) uprisings against police brutality and racism have left many faculty of color feeling even more exhausted than usual. Join your peers for conversation, connection, and strategizing, focused on saying no, boundary setting, communities of support, and mentorship. Dr. Ava Thompson

Feb. 3, 2021: TEACHxperts on Faculty Connections

Connect to your fellow Northwestern instructors through this panel and small group discussion event. Our TEACHxperts are Northwestern instructors who have been navigating the complex teaching landscape of 2020 -2021. They all also participated in the Keep Teaching Video series; get a sneak peek of our panelists and discussion leaders in action by viewing the

Feb. 9, 2021: Responding to Students in Distress

This workshop is intended to provide Northwestern faculty with advice and perspectives on appropriately supporting students in distress and directing them to additional resources. Presenters will include representatives from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and the Dean of Students Office. Sign up here for this event You will learn about topics including: How to best

‘Jigsaw’ Group Work Makes Students the Experts

students studying in a group

Do you want to engage students beyond a lecture, but know that it’s important they master terms and concepts? Make students the experts through the Jigsaw Classroom method, developed by Elliot Aronson, professor emeritus at University of California Santa Cruz. Six-step setup If you’re interested in running a jigsaw activity in your course, follow this

Consider Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning, according to its authors Anne Meyer and David Rose. It is your responsibility to provide accessible and equitable learning environments for your students. While the following items comprise a comprehensive use of UDL, you may use whatever specific components work

Learn About the Value of a Digital Education

Promotion for Times Higher Education Student Success Forum

Times Higher Education recently hosted its virtual Student Success Forum. This webinar event featured faculty, staff, students and administrators from around the world and their insights on higher education student success. Access free on-demand webinars here until October 21, 2020. Free registration is required. One webinar, entitled “The Value of a Digital Education: Where Do

Annotate Readings with Perusall or

You may consider ways that students can retain and reflect content in readings. One way is facilitate annotation of readings, which have become available through Northwestern’s integration of Perusall and Hypothe.sis — social reading annotation tools — with Canvas. Why consider annotation? In a recent survey, students said they desire more community in remote learning

Calculate Estimated Course Load

Fillable boxes that represent estimator tool

How much work is appropriate for students to succeed in your course? It is important to be cognizant of the workload you require of students. You want students to achieve course learning objectives in a productive, effective way–without being underwhelmed or approaching burnout. Researchers from Wake Forest University and Rice University partnered to develop the