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Using Box for lectures, presentations

Box, Northwestern University’s cloud-based storage system, is a helpful organizational tool for class presentations, lectures, and projects.

Can’t get your laptop or flash drive to work correctly or show the files you need? Laptops can perform automatic updates at the worst possible moment. Flash drives, especially, can become problematic if not formatted correctly. Uploading and saving materials to Box ahead of schedule ensures that you can access your files from any web-enabled device.

A few things to note

  • While the Box system is reliable, always have a backup media source. I recommend you bring your laptop or other media source. Never rely on one media source for content.
  • Students can upload presentations before class, saving you time at the start of class. While Canvas can accommodate file uploads through Assignments, you still must download those files. After students submit files to the Box folder, all you need to do is log in to Box (Northwestern net ID and password) from a computer (room computer preferred if teaching in-person class). Students/groups then download their presentation from the file.
  • Box will note when someone updates a file of the same name. File names will have a “v2,” “v3,” and so on attached at the end, indicating updated versions.
  • Consider the different permission levels of Box folders. Determine how much control you and anyone associated with the content will have.
    • Owner: Creator of Folder; Upload, download, edit, share and delete any folder content, as well as manage folder security
    • Co-owner: Upload, download, edit, share and delete any folder content, as well as manage folder security
    • Editor: Upload, download, edit, share and delete any folder content
    • Viewer Uploader (Preferred for student-submitted content; you retain control of what is there while allowing student collaboration): Upload, download, edit, and share any folder content

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