iSchool Pathway Courses

Track 1 – Two of the following: 

Programming for Information Problems (IP) (IS 205);

Data Science Discovery (IS 107);

and one of the following courses:

Analytical Foundations of IP (IS 203),

Research Design for IS (IS 204),

Intro to db Concepts & applications (IS 206),

Intro to Data Storytelling (IS 357),

Intro to Programming for Data Science (INFO 490) 



Track 2 – Two of the following: 

Programming for Information Problems (IS 205),

Data Science Discovery (IS 107),

AND one of:

Analytical Foundations of IP (IS 203),

Programming for IP (IS 205),

Introduction to Database Concepts and Applications (IS 206),

Statistics (STAT 100),

Statistical Analysis (STAT 200),

Intro Matrix Theory (MATH 225);

Intro to PoliSci Research (PS 230)