Project: Morton Arboretum -American Sycamore

Project Synopsis: 

Welcome to Morton Group 1’s RMarkdown Notebook! Here, we will explain our methods for the community project we did in collaboration with the Morton Arboretum. For this project, we were tasked with using exploratory data analysis to examine data gathered from American Sycamore in the Arboretum. This project was done using data from the Center of Tree Science. Many thanks to our colleagues at the Morton Arboretum for letting us use their data, and to Dr. Mark Potosnak for giving us this opportunity.

Now, let’s get into the data. We were given a large data frame with many different types of variables and measurements, all observed from the American Sycamore. Our group focused on the Sap Flow Output for this project, and we expanded by looking at local weather data as well. Data cleanup was already provided to us, thanks to a previous intern at the Arboretum. Now, let’s get into the code.


Partner: The Morton Arboretum

University: DePaul

Course: ENV 359

Project Type: Practicum

Instructor: Dr. Mark Potosnak