Project: DePaul-ENV 403 Final Project Morton 2-22
Project Synopsis:
American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) Analysis at The Morton Arboretum ENV 403
Dr. Mark Potosnak
Team Morton – Sierra, Jackie, and Nicola March 14th, 2022
Part 1: Based on Week 6 Assignment
Plot of Sap flow (known by the variable name “Sap_Flow_OutZ”) for only the month of July in 2021.
Part 2: Based on Week 7 Assignment
Find period (at least 20 days) of Sap flow data with a consistent daily cycle.
Make a new variable that is hour of the day.
Plot Sap flow for this period versus hour of the day.
Part 3: Based on Week 8 Assignment
Improve plot from Part 3 by calculating our own filter by hand instead of using the geom_smooth() generated one.
Calculate standard deviation.
Plot points in addition to lines and add the standard deviation as error bars.
Part 4: Based on Week 9 and Week 10 Assignments
For the same period as your sap flow data, create a similar plot for temperature.
Average hourly data with standard deviation.
Using data from DuPage Airport near the Morton Arboretum.