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Statistical Physics (Phys-420-0)

This is an advanced graduate course in statistical physics covering topics on:

  • Collective modes;
  • The Ginzburg-Landau model;
  • Real space renormalization group (block-spin transformations);
  • Scaling of free-energy;
  • Critical exponents;
  • Relevant and irrelevant operators in RG;
  • Universality classes/fixed points;
  • Cross-over between fixed points;
  • Finite size scaling;
  • Perturbative renormalization group;
  • Wilson Fisher fixed point/epsilon expansion;
  • Dynamics;
  • Random systems;
  • Quantum criticality;
  • Scaling theory of polymers and other networks

Main references:

  1. Kardar, Statistical Mechanics of Fields (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
  2. “Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics” by Cardy
  3. Sachdev, Quantum Phase Transitions (Cambridge University Press, 2011)