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Preprints and manuscripts under review

  • X. Meng, N. Lo Piparo, K. Nemoto and I. A. Kovács, Quantum networks enhanced by distributed quantum memories [arXiv]
  • L. Lambourne, A. Yadav, Y. Wang, A. Desbuleux, D.-K. Kim, T. Caldarelli, C. Pons, I. A. Kovács, N. Jailkhani, S. Schlabach, D. De Ridder, K. Luck, W. Bian, Y. Shen, M. Mee, Y. Jacob, I. Lemmens, T. Rolland, J. Tavernier, K. Spirohn, Q. Zhong, P. Aloy, T. Hao, B. Charloteaux, F. P. Roth, D. E. Hill, M. A. Calderwood, J-C. Twizere and M. Vidal, Binary interactome models of inner- versus outer-complexome organization [bioRxiv]
  • W. I. Nawrocka*, S. Cheng*, B. Hao*, M. Rosen, E. Cortés, E. Baltrusaitis, Z. Aziz, I. A. Kovács and E. Özkan, Nematode extracellular protein interactome expands connections between signaling pathways [bioRxiv]
  • A. Salova and I. A. Kovács, Combined topological and spatial constraints are required to capture the structure of neural connectomes [arXiv]
  • X. Meng*, B. Hao*, B. Ráth and I. A. Kovács, Path percolation in quantum communication networks [arXiv]

Peer-reviewed publications

  • R. Juhász and I. A. Kovács, Smoothly vanishing density in the contact process by an interplay of disorder and long-distance dispersal, SciPost Physics Core, 7, 044 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács (2024) Quantum entanglement in the multicritical disordered Ising model, Phys. Rev. B, 109, 214202 [arXiv]
  • H. S. Ansell and I. A. Kovács (2024) Unveiling universal aspects of the cellular anatomy of the brain, Communications Physics, 7, 184 [arXiv]
  • B. Hao and I. A. Kovács (2024) Proper network randomization is key to assessing social balance, Science Advances, 10, eadj0104 [arXiv]
  • S. Schäfer, M. Smelik, O. Sysoev, Y. Zhao, D. Eklund, S. Lilja, M. Gustafsson, H. Heyn, A. Julia, I. A. Kovács, J. Loscalzo, S. Marsal, H. Zhang, X. Li, D. Gawel, H. Wang, and M. Benson (2024) scDrugPrio: A framework for the analysis of single-cell transcriptomics to address multiple problems in precision medicine in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, Genome Medicine 16, 42 [bioRxiv]
  • H. S. Ansell, S. J. Frank, I. A. Kovács (2023) Cluster tomography in percolation, Phys. Rev. Research, 5, 043218 [arXiv]

  • R. T. C. Chepuri and I. A. Kovács (2023) Complex quantum network models from spin clusters, Communications Physics, 6, 271 [arXiv]
  • D. L. Barabási, G. Bianconi, E. Bullmore, M. Burgess, S. Y. Chung, T. Eliassi-Rad, D. George, I. A. Kovács, H. Makse, T. E. Nichols, C. Papadimitriou,  O. Sporns, K. Stachenfeld, Z. Toroczkai, E. K. Towlson, A. M. Zador, H. Zeng, A.-L. Barabási, A. Bernard and Gy. Buzsáki (2023) Neuroscience needs network science, The Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (34) 5989-5995 [arXiv]
  • B. Hao and I. A. Kovács (2023) A positive statistical benchmark to assess network agreement, Nat. Commun., 14, 2988 [bioRxiv] featured in the Editor’s Highlights of “Applied physics and mathematics”
  • H-W. Tang*, K. Spirohn*, Y. Hu, T. Hao, I. A. Kovács, Y. Gao, R. Binari, D. Yang-Zhou, K. H. Wan, J. S. Bader, D. Balcha, W. Bian, B. W. Booth, A. G. Cote, S. de Rouck, A. Desbuleux, K. Y. Goh, D.-K. Kim, J. J. Knapp, W. X. Lee, I. Lemmens, C. Li, M. Li, R. Li, H. J. Lim, Y. Liu, K. Luck, D. Markley, C. Pollis, S. Rangarajan, J. Rodiger, S. Schlabach, Y. Shen, D. Sheykhkarimli, B. TeeKing, F. P. Roth, J. Tavernier, M. A. Calderwood, D. E. Hill, S. E. Celniker, M. Vidal, N. Perrimon, S. E. Mohr (2023) Next-generation large-scale binary protein interaction network for Drosophila melanogaster, Nat. Commun., 14, 2162 [bioRxiv]
  • T. Pető, F. Iglói and I. A. Kovács (2023) Random Ising chain in transverse and longitudinal fields: Strong disorder RG study, Condensed Matter Physics,vol. 26, No. 1, 13101. Special issue – Complexity and collective behaviour: Solids, Fields, and Data (dedicated to Bertrand Berche on his 60th birthday) [arXiv]
  • X.-W. Wang, L. Madeddu, K. Spirohn, L. Martini, A. Fazzone, L. Becchetti, T. P. Wytock, I. A. Kovács, O. M. Balogh, B. Benczik, M. Pétervári, B. Ágg, P. Ferdinandy, L. Vulliard, J. Menche, S. Colonnese, M. Petti, G. Scarano, F. Cuomo, T. Hao, F. Laval, L. Willems, J.-C. Twizere, M. A. Calderwood, E. Petrillo, A.-L. Barabási, E. K. Silverman, J. Loscalzo, P. Velardi and Y.-Y. Liu (2023) Assessment of community efforts to advance network-based prediction of protein-protein interactions, Nat. Commun., 14, 1582 [bioRxiv]
  • J. P. Moutinho, A. Melo, B.C. Coutinho, I. A. Kovács and Y. Omar (2023) Quantum link prediction in complex networks, Phys. Rev. A 107, 032605  [arXiv]
  • J. S. Zou, H. S. Ansell and I. A. Kovács (2022) Multipartite entanglement in the random Ising chain, Phys. Rev. B 106, 054201 [arXiv]
  • M. R. Harris, T. P. Wytock and I. A. Kovács (2022) Computational inference of synaptic polarities in neuronal networks, Advanced Science 2104906, Rising Stars series
  • I. A. Kovács (2022) Quantum multicritical point in the two- and three-dimensional random transverse-field Ising model, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013072 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2022) Geometry of rare regions behind Griffiths singularities in random quantum magnets, Scientific Reports 12, 1074 [arXiv] [Research Square]
  • I. A. Kovács, T. Pető and F. Iglói (2021) Extreme statistics of the excitations in the random transverse Ising chain, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033140 [arXiv]
  • A. Meignié, C. Combredet, M. Santolini, I. A. Kovács, T. Douche, Q. Gianetto, H. Eun, M. Matondo, Y. Jacob, R. Grailhe, F. Tangy and A. V. Komarova (2021) Proteomic analysis uncovers measles virus protein C interaction with p65/iASPP/p53 protein complex, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, doi:
  • I. A. Kovács, D.-L. Barabási and A.-L. Barabási (2020) Uncovering the genetic blueprint of the C. elegans nervous system, PNAS 10.1073/pnas.2009093117 [bioRxiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and R. Juhász (2020) Emergence of disconnected clusters in heterogeneous complex systems, Scientific Reports 10, 21874 [arXiv]
  • P. Maróti, I. A. Kovács, M. Kis, J. L. Smart and F. Iglói (2020) Correlated clusters of closed reaction centers during induction of intact cells of photosynthetic bacteria, Scientific Reports 10, 14012 [arXiv]
  • R. Juhász and I. A. Kovács (2020) Scaling of local persistence in the disordered contact process, Phys. Rev. E 102, 012108 [arXiv]
  • K. Luck*, D.-K. Kim*, L. Lambourne*, K. Spirohn*, B. E. Begg, W. Bian, R. Brignall, T. Cafarelli, F. J. Campos-Laborie, B. Charloteaux, D. Choi, A. G. Cote, M. Daley, S. Deimling, A. Desbuleux, A. Dricot, M. Gebbia, M. F. Hardy, N. Kishore, J. J. Knapp, I. A. Kovács, I. Lemmens, M. W. Mee, J. C. Mellor, C. Pollis, C. Pons, A. D. Richardson, S. Schlabach, B. Teeking, A. Yadav, M. Babor, D. Balcha, O. Basha, S.-F. Chin, S. G. Choi, C. Colabella, G. Coppin, C. D’Amata, D. De Ridder, S. De Rouck, M. Duran-Frigola, H. Ennajdaoui, F. Goebels, A. Gopal, G. Haddad, M. Helmy, Y. Jacob, Y. Kassa, R. Li, N. van Lieshout, A. MacWilliams, D. Markey, J. N. Paulson, S. Rangarajan, J. Rasla, A. Rayhan, T. Rolland, A. San Miguel, Y. Shen, D. Sheykhkarimli, G. M. Sheynkman, E. Simonovsky, M. Taşan, A. Tejeda , J.-C. Twizere, Y. Wang, R. Weatheritt, J. Weile, Y. Xia, X. Yang, E. Yeger-Lotem, Q. Zhong, P. Aloy, G. D. Bader, J. De L. Rivas, S. Gaudet, T. Hao, J. Rak, J. Tavernier, V. Tropepe, D. E. Hill*, M. Vidal*, F. P. Roth*, and M. A. Calderwood* (2020) A reference map of the human binary protein interactome, Nature 580, 402-408 [biorxiv]
  • R. Juhász and I. A. Kovács (2020) Population boundary across an environmental gradient: Effects of quenched disorder, Phys. Rev. Research 2 023123 [arXiv]
  • G. Roósz, I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2020) Entanglement entropy of random partitioning, Eur. Phys. J. B 93:8 [arXiv]
  • B. Ágg, A. Császár, M. Szalay-Bekő, D. V. Veres, R. Mizsei, P. Ferdinandy, P. Csermely and I. A. Kovács (2019) The EntOptLayout Cytoscape plug-in for the efficient visualization of major protein complexes in protein-protein interaction and signaling networks, Bioinformatics btz257
  • I. A. Kovács, K. Luck, K. Spirohn, Y. Wang, C. Pollis, S. Schlabach, W. Bian, D-K. Kim, N. Kishore, T. Hao, M. A. Calderwood, M. Vidal and A.-L. Barabási (2019) Network-based prediction of protein interactions, Nat. Commun. 10, 1240 [biorxiv]
  • F. Cheng*, I. A. Kovács*, A-L. Barabási (2019) Network-based prediction of drug combinations, Nat. Commun. 10, 1197
  • F. Iglói and I. A. Kovács (2018) Transverse-spin correlations of the random transverse-field Ising model, Phys. Rev. B 97, 094205 [arXiv]
  • R. Juhász, I. A. Kovács, G. Roósz and F. Iglói (2017) Entanglement between random and clean quantum spin chains, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor, 50 324003 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács, R. Juhász and F. Iglói (2016) Long-range random transverse-field Ising model in three dimensions, Phys. Rev. B 93 184203 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and A.-L. Barabási (2015) Network science: Destruction perfected. Nature 524, 38-39.
  • I. A. Kovács, R. Mizsei and P. Csermely (2015) A unified data representation theory for network visualization, ordering and coarse-graining. Scientific Reports 5,13786 [arXiv]
  • N. Sahni, S. Yi, M. Taipale, J. I. Fuxman Bass, J. Coulombe-Huntington, F. Yang, J. Peng, J. Weile, G. I. Karras, Y. Wang, I. A. Kovács, A. Kamburov, I. Krykbaeva, M. H. Lam, G. Tucker, V. Khurana, A. Sharma, Y.-Y. Liu, N. Yachie, Q. Zhong, Y. Shen, A. Palagi, A. San-Miguel, C. Fan, D. Balcha, A. Dricot, D. M. Jordan, J. M. Walsh, A. A. Shah, X. Yang, A. Stoyanova, A. Leighton, M. A. Calderwood, Y. Jacob, M. E. Cusick, K. Salehi-Ashtiani, L. J. Whitesell, S. Sunyaev, B. Berger, A.-L. Barabási, B. Charloteaux, D. E. Hill, T. Hao, F. P. Roth, Y. Xia, A. J. M. Walhout, S. Lindquist and M. Vidal (2015) Widespread macromolecular interaction perturbations in human genetic disorders, Cell, Vol. 161, Issue 3, p647–660.
  • R. Juhász, I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2015) Long-range epidemic spreading in a random environment, Phys. Rev. E 91 032815 [arXiv]
  • R. Juhász, I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2014) Random transverse-field Ising chain with long-range interactions, Europhysics Letters 107 47008 (editor’s choice) [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács, J.-Ch. Angles d’Auriac and F. Iglói (2014) Excess entropy and central charge of the two-dimensional random-bond Potts model in the large-Q limit, J. Stat. Mech. P09019 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2014) Corner contribution to percolation cluster numbers in three dimensions, Phys. Rev. B 89 174202 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács, E. M. Elci, M. Weigel and F. Iglói (2014) Corner contribution to cluster numbers in the Potts model, Phys. Rev. B 89 064421 [arXiv]
  • R. Juhász and I. A. Kovács (2013) Infinite randomness critical behavior of the contact process on networks with long-ranged connections, J. Stat. Mech. P06003 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2013) Boundary critical phenomena of the random transverse Ising model in D>=2 dimensions, Phys. Rev. B 87 024204 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács, F. Iglói and J. Cardy (2012) Corner contribution to percolation cluster numbers, Phys. Rev. B 86, 214203 (Highlighted in the PRB Kaleidoscope) [arXiv]
  • M. Szalay-Bekő, R. Palotai, B. Szappanos, I. A. Kovács, B. Papp and P. Csermely (2012) ModuLand plug-in for Cytoscape: determination of hierarchical layers of overlapping network modules and community centrality, Bioinformatics bts352 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2012) Universal logarithmic terms in the entanglement entropy of 2d, 3d and 4d random transverse-field Ising models, Europhysics Letters 97 67009 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2011) Renormalization group study of random quantum magnets, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 404204 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2011) Infinite-disorder scaling of random quantum magnets in three and higher dimensions Phys. Rev. B 83, 174207 [arXiv]
  • I. J. Farkas, T. Korcsmáros, I.A. Kovács, Á. Mihalik, R. Palotai, G.I. Simkó, K.Z. Szalay, M. Szalay-Bekő, T. Vellai, S. Wang, P. Csermely (2011) Network-based tools for the identification of novel drug targets Science Signal. 4, pt3
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2010) Renormalization group study of the two-dimensional random transverse-field Ising model Phys. Rev. B 82, 054437 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács, R. Palotai, M. S. Szalay, P. Csermely (2010) Community landscapes: an integrative approach to determine overlapping network module hierarchy, identify key nodes and predict network dynamics PLoS ONE 5(9):e12528 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács and F. Iglói (2009) Critical behavior and entanglement of the random transverse-field Ising model between one and two dimensions Phys. Rev. B 80, 214416 [arXiv]
  • M. Karsai, I. A. Kovács, J-Ch. Angles d’Auriac and F. Iglói (2008) Density of critical clusters in strips of strongly disordered systems Phys. Rev E 78 061109 [arXiv]
  • F. Iglói and I. A. Kovács (2008) Griffiths-McCoy singularities in random quantum spin chains: Exact results Phys. Rev. B 77 144203 [arXiv]
  • Z. Spiro, I. A. Kovács and P. Csermely (2008) Drug-therapy networks and the predictions of novel drug targets J. Biol. 7, 20 [arXiv]
  • C. Böde, I. A. Kovács, M. Szalay, R. Palotai, T. Korcsmáros and P. Csermely (2007) Network analysis of protein dynamics FEBS Lett. 581, 2776-2782 [arXiv]
  • M. Szalay, I. A. Kovács, T. Korcsmáros, C. Böde and P. Csermely (2007) Stress-induced rearrangements of cellular networks: consequences for protection and drug design FEBS Lett. 581, 3675-3680 [arXiv]
  • T. Korcsmáros, M. Szalay, C. Böde, I. A. Kovács and P. Csermely (2007) How to design multi-target drugs: Target-search options in cellular networks Expert Op. Drug Discov. 2:1-10 [arXiv]
  • T. Korcsmáros, I. A. Kovács, M. S. Szalay and P. Csermely (2007) Molecular chaperones: the modular evolution of cellular networks J. Biosci. 32, 441-446 [arXiv]
  • I. A. Kovács, M. S. Szalay and P. Csermely (2005) Water and molecular chaperones act as weak links of protein folding networks: energy landscape and punctuated equilibrium changes point towards a game theory of proteins FEBS Lett. 579, 2254-2260 [arXiv]

Further articles and book chapters

  • F. Iglói and I. Kovács (2014) Végtelenül rendezetlen kritikus viselkedés Fizikai Szemle. 2014/11. p. 366-371 (in Hungarian, “Infinitely disordered critical behavior”)
  • I. Kovács (2013) ‘Infinitely Disordered Critical Behavior in Higher Dimensional Quantum Systems’ Ph. D. dissertation, Supervisor: Prof. Ferenc Iglói, consultant: Prof. emer. Péter Szépfalusy, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences (ELTE), Wigner RCP SZFKI, Budapest, Hungary
  • A. Mihalik, A. S. Kaposi, I. A. Kovacs, T. Nanasi, R. Palotai, A. Rak, M. S. Szalay-Beko and P. Csermely. Edited by: B. Vedres, M. Scotti (2012) How creative elements help the recovery of networks after crisis: lessons from biology. Cambridge University Press, Networks in Social Policy Problems p. 179-188
  • P. Csermely, I. A. Kovács, Á. Mihalik, T. Nánási, R. Palotai, Á. Rák és M. Szalay (2009) Hogyan küzdik le a válságokat a biológiai hálózatok, és mit tanulhatunk el tőlük? Magyar Tudomány 170, 1381-1390  (in Hungarian “How biological networks overcome crisis and what can we learn from them?”)
  • I. Kovács (2008) ‘Critical and off-critical behavior of disordered quantum spin chains’ (in hungarian) M.Sc. thesis, Supervisor: Prof. Ferenc Iglói, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences (ELTE), MTA SZFKI, Budapest, Hungary
  • P. Csermely, T. Korcsmáros, I. A. Kovács, M. S. Szalay and C. Sőti (2008) Systems biology of molecular chaperone networks. In: The biology of extracellular molecular chaperones. Novartis Foundation Symposium Series Vol. 291, Wiley, pp. 45-58