Kevin L. Kohlstedt
Research Assistant Professor

Research Interests
My research interests involve describing mesoscale phenomena such as charge transfer in photovoltaic materials, plasmon coupling of self-assembled metal nanostructures, and anisotropic cluster growth, using computational and theoretical frameworks. I use a variety of approaches to study not only the phenomena of interest, but also the energetics and kinetics of the molecular assemblies. Techniques used to describe the phenomena include molecular dynamics, supervised machine learning, semiclassical dynamics, DFT, Monte Carlo, and lattice-based electrodynamics solvers.
Contact Info
Department of Chemistry
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208
Office: 847-491-2951
Curriculum Vitae
- Education:
- University of Kansas B.S. with honors in Engineering Physics, 2004
- Northwestern University Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, 2009
- Professional Experience:
- 2015-present Research Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University
- 2012-2015 Adjuctant Professor of Chemistry, Lake Forest College
- 2011-2014 International Institute of Nanotechnology Research Fellow
- Full CV