Freshman Isaac Yampolsky wins the NU Bioscientist grant. Isaac is mentored by Adebola Adeniran and will be working on new methods for engineering biosensors.
Author: jgreene
Synthetic Biology at Northwestern feature
Four laboratories at the cutting edge of Synthetic Biology research were recently featured here.
Tyo to give seminar at Purdue Biochemistry Department on Synthetic Biology
Tyo publishes SynBio/Global Health whitepaper
Prof. Keith E.J. Tyo has published a white paper entitled “Synthetic Biology for Global Health: A Problem-Driven Approach to Healthcare Innovation.” It lays out plans to invite the best minds in the Synthetic Biology community to better understand the problems in healthcare delivery for the extremely impoverished. The proposed program would enable technological breakthrough that would impact the lives of the most vulnerable people on the planet.
(at bottom)
New Tyo Lab Group Photo!
Alexandra joins lab as PhD student in IBiS. Welcome!
Alexandra de Paz joins the Tyo lab as a PhD student in the Interdepartmental Biological Sciences program. Alexandra did her undergraduate education at the University of Florida in Bimolecular Engineering.
Alexandra will be developing methods for directed evolution and high throughput screening.
Feature on Michael Reddick in the Spring 2013 issue of McCormick Magazine
Michael’s a popular dude:
Lindsay competes at the Intel International Science and Engineering fair
Grace Kapov has been awarded a summer undergraduate research grant
Grace has won a Northwestern Undergraduate Research Grant (URG) for her proposal on engineering E. coli induction using carbon limitation signaling. Congrats Grace!
Keith gives keynote lecture at Chicago area undergrad research event
Keith will deliver the keynote address at the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS) tomorrow at University of Illinois, Chicago.
Excited to see the students work!