Now live: the 2022 Multi-Agent Behavior Challenge on Representation Learning

Our lab is coordinating the 2022 Multi-Agent Behavior Challenge, an international competition to develop novel methods for representation learning of social behavior in animals. This challenge introduces three exciting new datasets characterizing social behavior in mice, flies, and ant-beetle pairs, contributed by labs at Janelia, Jackson Labs, and Caltech.

Click here to learn more or take part in the challenge!

The Multi-Agent Behavior workshop

The lab hosted the Multi-Agent Behavior (MABe) Workshop at CVPR 2021, featuring talks on behavior analysis in biology, ecology, sports analytics, and self-driving cars. Watch the workshop on Youtube here!

We also hosted the first ever MABe Challenge, an online competition to classify mouse social behaviors from tracking data. 261 teams participated in the challenge, making a total of 1525 submissions over the two months of the competition. You can read about the challenge dataset and the winning submissions in our Dataset release paper.

Hello world!

The lab is officially open! A position is currently in preparation for a computational technician to work on new features for MARS, our computer vision pipeline for automated pose estimation and behavior analysis in freely interacting mice.

We are also recruiting applicants for postdoctoral positions: please email with inquiries.

The lab will start taking rotation students in January 2021, but feel free to reach out before then if you are interested in a position, or are considering applying to the NUIN graduate program!