For an up-to-date publication list, please visit Google Scholar.
For a list of posters and demos, please refer to my Academic CV
(*) Indicates equal contribution.
Zhuoyi Zhao and Igor Kadota
Optimizing Age of Information without Knowing the Age of Information
IEEE INFOCOM, 2025. [Acceptance rate 18.5% (272/1458)]
Kangle Mu, Zongyun Xie, Igor Kadota, and Randall Berry
Impact of Geographical Separation on Spectrum Sharing Markets
WiOpt, 2024. [Technical report]
Ankit Walishetti, Igor Kadota, Aidan Kim, Colin Ward, Eduardo Gutierrez, Randall Berry
Evaluation of Spectrum Sharing Algorithms for Networks with Heterogeneous Wireless Devices
IEEE VCC, 2024. [Technical report]
- Joint work with four high-school students from the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA)
- A. Walishetti earned first place in the Poster Division at the Illinois Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
A. Nagulu, N. Reiskarimian, T. Chen, S. Garikapati, I. Kadota, T. Dinc, S. Garimella, M. Kohli, A. Levin, G. Zussman, and H. Krishnaswamy
Doubling Down on Wireless Capacity: A Review of Integrated Circuits, Systems, and Networks for Full-Duplex
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2024. [Invited paper]
- Featured in the Columbia University news article Researchers Break New Ground in Full-Duplex Wireless Systems
A. Levin, M. Kohli, I. Kadota, T. Chen, S. Garikapati, A. Nagulu, M. Dastjerdi, J. Zhou, I. Seskar, H. Krishnaswamy, and G. Zussman
Enabling Integrated Circuit-Based Full-Duplex Wireless in GNU Radio
GNU Radio Conference, 2024.
W. Lehr , R. Berry , C. Bastidas, I. Kadota, K. Mu, Z. Xie, and I. Tamin
Automating Spectrum Sharing from the Ground Up
Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy (TPRC), 2024.
S. Garikapati, A. Nagulu, I. Kadota, M. Essawy, T. Chen, S. Wang, T. Pande, A. Natarajan, G. Zussman, and H. Krishnaswamy
Full-Duplex Receiver with Wideband, High-Power RF Self-Interference Cancellation Based on Capacitor Stacking in Switched-Capacitor Delay Lines
IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits (JSSC), 2024.
M. Kohli, A. Adhikari, G. Avci, S. Brent, A. Dash, J. Moser, S. Hossain, I. Kadota, C. Garland, S. Mukherjee, R. Feick, D. Chizhik, J. Du, R. Valenzuela, and G. Zussman
Outdoor-to-Indoor 28 GHz Wireless Measurements in Manhattan: Path Loss, Environmental Effects, and 90% Coverage
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2024.
A. Levin, I. Kadota, S. Garikapati, B. Zhang, A. Jolly, M. Kohli, M. Seok, H. Krishnaswamy, and G. Zussman
Demo: Experimentation with Wideband Real-Time Adaptive Full-Duplex Radios
S. Garimella, S. Garikapati, A. Nagulu, I. Kadota, A. Davidson, G. Zussman, and H. Krishnaswamy
Frequency-Domain-Equalization-based Full-Duplex Receiver with Passive-Frequency-Shifting N-Path Filters Achieving >53 dB SI Suppression Across 160 MHz BW
IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, 2023.
V. Tripathi*, I. Kadota*, E. Tal*, M. Rahman, A. Warren, S. Karaman, and E. Modiano
WiSwarm: Age-of-Information-based Wireless Networking for Collaborative Teams of UAVs
IEEE INFOCOM, 2023. [Acceptance rate 19.2% (252/1312)] [Technical Report]
- Featured in the MIT News article New “traffic cop” algorithm helps a drone swarm stay on task
- Video with UAV flight tests
P. Netalkar, A. Zahabee, C. Bastidas, I. Kadota, D. Stojadinovic, G. Zussman, I. Seskar, and D. Raychaudhuri
Large-Scale Dynamic Spectrum Access with IEEE 1900.5.2 Spectrum Consumption Models
IEEE WCNC, 2023.
Igor Kadota*, Dror Jacoby*, Hagit Messer, Gil Zussman, and Jonatan Ostrometzky
Switching in the Rain: Predictive Wireless x-haul Network Reconfiguration
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 2022. [Technical report]
- ACM SIGMETRICS 2023 issue. [Acceptance rate 18.3% (17/93)]
- J. Ostrometzky, G. Zussman, H. Messer, D. Jacoby, and I. Kadota. Predictive Weather-Aware Communication Network Management. US Patent Application No. 17/551,643. December 2021.
M. Kohli, A. Adhikari, G. Avci, S. Brent, A. Dash, J. Moser, S. Hossain, I. Kadota, C. Garland, S. Mukherjee, R. Feick, D. Chizhik, J. Du, R. Valenzuela, G. Zussman
Outdoor-to-Indoor 28 GHz Wireless Measurements in Manhattan: Path Loss, Environmental Effects, and 90% Coverage
ACM MobiHoc, 2022. [Acceptance rate 19.8% (24/121)] [Technical report]
Igor Kadota, Muhammad Shahir Rahman, and Eytan Modiano
WiFresh: Age-of-Information from Theory to Implementation
IEEE ICCCN, 2021. [Invited paper] [Technical report]
Eray Unsal Atay, Igor Kadota and Eytan Modiano
Aging Wireless Bandits: Regret Analysis and Order-Optimal Learning Algorithm
WiOpt, 2021. [Technical report]
Igor Kadota and Eytan Modiano
Age of Information in Random Access Networks with Stochastic Arrivals
IEEE INFOCOM, 2021. [Acceptance rate 19.9% (252/1,266)] [Technical report]
D. Stojadinovic, P. Netalkar, C. Bastidas, I. Kadota, G. Zussman, I. Seskar, and D. Raychaudhuri
A Spectrum Consumption Model-based Framework for DSA Experimentation on the COSMOS Testbed
ACM MobiCom Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (WiNTECH’21), 2021.
T. Chen*, S. Garikapati*, A. Nagulu, A. Gaonkar, M. Kohli, I. Kadota, H. Krishnaswamy, and G. Zussman
A Survey and Quantitative Evaluation of Integrated Circuit-based Antenna Interfaces and Self-Interference Cancellers for Full-Duplex
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Special issue on Full-Duplex Transceivers for Future Networks: Theory and Techniques, 2021.
A. Nagulu*, S. Garikapati*, M. Essawy, I. Kadota, T. Chen, A. Natarajan, G. Zussman, and H. Krishnaswamy
Full-Duplex Receiver With Wideband Multi-Domain FIR Cancellation Based on Stacked-Capacitor, N-path Switched-Capacitor Delay Lines Achieving >+54dB SIC Across 80MHz BW and >+15dBm TX Power Handling
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), February 2021.
Igor Kadota and Eytan Modiano
Minimizing the Age of Information in Wireless Networks with Stochastic Arrivals
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, March 2021. [Technical report]
Igor Kadota
Age of Information in Wireless Networks: Theory and Implementation
PhD thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT, August 2020. [PDF]
Yin Sun, Igor Kadota, Rajat Talak, and Eytan Modiano
[Book] Age of Information: A New Metric for Measuring Information Freshness
Morgan and Claypool Publishers, 2019.
Igor Kadota, Abhishek Sinha, and Eytan Modiano
Scheduling Algorithms for Optimizing Age of Information in Wireless Networks with Throughput Constraints
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2019. [Technical report]
Igor Kadota and Eytan Modiano
Minimizing the Age of Information in Wireless Networks with Stochastic Arrivals
ACM MobiHoc, July 2019. [Acceptance rate 23.7% (37/156)] [Technical report]
Igor Kadota, Abhishek Sinha, Elif Uysal-Biyikoglu, Rahul Singh, and Eytan Modiano
Scheduling Policies for Minimizing Age of Information in Broadcast Wireless Networks
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2018. [Technical report]
Rajat Talak, Igor Kadota, Sertac Karaman, and Eytan Modiano
Scheduling Policies for Age Minimization in Wireless Networks with Unknown Channel State
IEEE ISIT, 2018. [Technical report]
Igor Kadota, Abhishek Sinha, and Eytan Modiano
Optimizing Age of Information in Wireless Networks with Throughput Constraints
IEEE INFOCOM , 2018. [Acceptance rate 19.2% (308/1,606)] [Technical report]
- Best Paper Award
- Featured in the MIT News article Keeping Data Fresh for Wireless Networks
Igor Kadota, Elif Uysal-Biyikoglu, Rahul Singh, and Eytan Modiano
Minimizing Age of Information in Broadcast Wireless Networks
IEEE Allerton Conference, 2016. [Technical report]
Igor Kadota
Transmission Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time Traffic in Wireless Networks
SM thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT, 2016. [PDF]
Kyu Seob Kim, Chih-Ping Li, Igor Kadota, and Eytan Modiano
Optimal Scheduling of Real-Time Traffic in Wireless Networks with Delayed Feedback
IEEE Allerton Conference, 2015.
Igor Kadota, Andrea Baiocchi, and Alessandro Anzaloni
Kalman Filtering: estimate of the Numbers of Active Queues in an 802.11e EDCA WLAN
Elsevier Computer Communications, 2014.
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