
Graduate Students

We recruit Northwestern graduate students from different programs at Feinberg School of Medicine and  McCormick School of Engineering. Please send an email to Dr. Zhe Ji (zhe.ji@northwestern.edu) to arrange a meeting.

Postdoctoral Fellows

We seek computational and experimental postdoctoral fellows working on the regulation of gene transcription and RNA translation in cancers. Ideal applicants should meet following requirements:

Experimental Postdoctoral Fellows:
1) A Ph.D. degree in biomedical-related sciences;
2) Strong training background in one or more of the following areas: RNA biology, cancer biology, immunology, stem cell, molecular biology, genomics and mouse models;
3) Familiar with/highly interested in genomic technologies.

Computational Postdoctoral Fellows:
1) A Ph.D. degree in computational biology or other quantitative research areas;
2) Strong programming skills in ((Python | Perl | C++ | Java) & (R | Matlab));
3) Excellent quantitative background in statistics and machine learning, and/or computational genomics background in high-throughput genomic data analyses.

Applicants can send a short description of research interest, a curriculum vitae and the contact information of three references to Dr. Zhe Ji (zhe.ji@northwestern.edu).