Translation for the Community
I have translated for the following statements and events for presenters from South Korea visiting New York.
Feb 2020 Organizational Statement on the Deal of the Century NoDutDol (translation from Eng to Kor) LINK
Nov 2019 “Class Struggle in South Korea: From the Candlelight Movement to Today” NoHeTu, The Left Voice, NoDutDol
April 2019 “Korean ‘Comfort’ Women for US Troops Speak about their Historic Lawsuit Win!” Durebang Delegation, NoDutDol, Asian American Feminist Collective, NYU, and Rutgers
April 2019 “An Evening with Han Kang” Asian American Writers’ Workshop and Literature in Translation Institute of Korea
Sept 2018 “Korean Literature and Voice of Dissent” at the Brooklyn Book Festival. Asian American Writers’ Workshop and Literature in Translation Institute of Korea
Scholarly Translation
I have also translated the below book chapter from English to Korean.
“Talsikminjŏk sayu.” Korean translation of Nelson Maldonado-Torres’s “The Decolonial Turn.” 오르비스 테르티우스. 남미석학에게 듣는다. Seoul National University’s TransLatin book series, Greenbee Press.