Jeannette Anastasia Colyvas
Faculty Profile

Associate Professor, Learning Sciences and Human Development and Social Policy
Associate Professor, Joint PhD Program in Computer Science and Learning Sciences
Associate Professor and Executive Board Member , Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
Associate Professor (by courtesy) , Department of Sociology
Associate Professor (by courtesy) , MORS, Kellogg School of Management
Faculty Affiliate , Institute for Policy Research
Former Director of Undergraduate Programs , School of Education and Social Policy
2120 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208-0001
Phone: (847) 467-5020
Research Interests
Organizational emergence, persistence and change; diffusion, implementation, and institutionalization; institutions and networks; innovation and entrepreneurship; comparing public, private, and non-profit forms of organizing; government-university-industry interfaces; public and private science.
- 2022 – Visiting Fellow, American Bar Foundation
- 2018 – Honor Roll recipient for Northwestern undergraduate teaching, Northwestern Associated Student Government
- 2017 – School of Education and Social Policy Teacher of the Year
- 2016 – Academic Leadership Program Fellow, Committee on Institutional Cooperation
- 2015 – Visiting Fellow, American Bar Foundation
- 2012 – Northwestern Multicultural Student Affairs Faculty Recognition
- 2011 – Honor Roll recipient for Northwestern undergraduate teaching, Northwestern Associated Student Government
- 2010 – School of Education and Social Policy Teacher of the Year
- 2007 – Honor Roll recipient for Northwestern undergraduate teaching, Northwestern Associated Student Government.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2007 | PhD | Stanford University |
MA, Sociology, MA, East Asian Studies | Stanford University |
Selected Publications
Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Eleanor Anderson (Under Review). “Levels, Axes, Quadrants, and Fractals: Theorizing Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization for Multi-Level Causal Analysis and Measurement.”
Yung, Vincent and Jeannette A. Colyvas (Forthcoming). “Munging The Ghosts in The Machine: Coded Bias and the Craft of Wrangling Archival Data” The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning., edited by Christian Borch and Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Yung,Vincent, Jeannette A. Colyvas, and Hokyu Hwang (Forthcoming). “Quality Control for Quality Concepts: Wrangling with Theory and Data Wrangling as Theorizing.” The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning, edited by Christian Borch and Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
McCambly, Heather and Jeannette A. Colyvas (2023). Dismantling or disguising racialization: Defining grantmaking roles and outcomes in higher education policy systems. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 33 (2), 203-216. (featured article, Editor’s Choice:; also featured in Virtual Special Issue on Framing the Study of Racism, Power, and Inequality in Public Administration).
McCambly, Heather and Jeannette A. Colyvas (2022). Disrupting or Preserving Privilege? The Design and Causal Effects of Frames in Inequalities Grantmaking in Higher Education. Review of Higher Education 46 (1).
Colyvas, Jeannette A., Kaisa Snellman, and Vincent Yung (2022). “Scientific Imprints, Commercial Footprints: The Paradox of Resource in the Production of Science and Scientists.” Proceedings of the Academy of Management. (1) 179782022.
Anderson, Eleanor and JeannetteA. Colyvas (2021). What Sticks and Why? A MoRe Institutional Framework for Education Research. Under Review.
Hwang Hokyu; and Jeannette A. Colyvas (2020). Constructed Actors and Constitutive Institutions for a Contemporary World, Academy of Management Review, 46: 214 – 219.
Hwang, Hokyu and Jeannette A. Colyvas (2020). Ontology, Levels of Society, and Degrees of Generality: Theorizing Actors as Abstractions in Institutional Theory. Academy of Management Review 45 (3): 570-595.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2020). Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the Department of Energy. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (Committee Chaired by Maryann Feldman and Scott Stern).
Hwang, Hokyu and Jeannette A. Colyvas (2019). What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Microfoundations? Conceptualizations and Multi-level Accounts of the Micro in Institutional Processes. Forthcoming in Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Special Issue on Microfoundations.
Hwang, Hokyu, Jeannette A. Colyvas and Gili S. Drori, Editors (2019). Agents, Actors, Actorhood: Institutional Perspectives on the Nature of Agency, Action, and Authority, Special Issue in Research on the Sociology of Organizations. Vol. 58. Emerald Publishing.
Hwang, Hokyu, Jeannette A. Colyvas, and Gili S. Drori (2019). The Proliferation and Profusion of Actors in Institutional Theory. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 58: 3-20.
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Lee, Kangsan and Jeannette Colyvas (2019). Status Effect and Mobility across Markets: How does success cross boundaries between local and global art markets?. Under Review.
Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Eleanor Anderson (2017). Institutionalization’s Quadrant and the Micro-Macro Dimension in Organizational Analysis. Proceedings of the Academy of Management.
Kim, Debbie, Jeannette A. Colyvas and Allen Kim (2016). Ideological Call to Arms: Analyzing Institutional Contradictions in Political Party Discourse on Education and Accountability Policy, 1952–2012. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Vol. 48A: 329-391.
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Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Maroulis, Spiro (2015). Moving from an Exception to a Rule: Analyzing Mechanisms in Emergence-Based Institutionalization. Organization Science Vol. 26, No. 2 (Runner up Best Paper Award, Academy of Management OMT Division): 601-621.
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Hwang, Hokyu and Colyvas, Jeannette A. (2014). Actors, Actors! Actors? The Proliferation of Actors and Its Consequences in Institutional Theory. Proceedings of the Academy of Management: 2014 (1), 16663.
Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Maroulis, Spiro. (2012). Academic Laboratories and the Reproduction of Proprietary Science: Modeling Organizational Rules through Autocatalytic Networks in Padgett, J., and Powell, W. W., The Emergence of Organizations and Markets Princeton University Press.
Colyvas, Jeannette A. (2012). Performance Metrics as Formal Structures and Through the Lens of Mechanisms: how do they work and how do they influence?. American Journal of Education 118 ( 2): 167-197.
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Colyvas, Jeannette A., Snellman, Kaisa, Bercovitz, Janet,and Feldman, Maryann (2012). Disentangling Effort and Performance: A Renewed Look at Gender Differences in Commercializing Medical School Research. Journal of Technology Transfer 12 (37): 478-489.
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Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Jonsson, Stephan (2011). Ubiquity and Legitimacy: Disentangling Diffusion and Institutionalization. Sociological Theory 29(2): 27-53.
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Haeussler, Carolin and Colyvas, Jeannette A. (2011). Breaking the Ivory Tower: Academic Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences in UK and Germany. Research Policy 40(4): 41-54.
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Hwang, Hokyu and Colyvas, Jeannette A. (2011). Problematizing Actors and Institutions in Institutional Work.Journal of Management Inquiry 20 (1): 62-66.
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Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Powell, Walter W. (2009). Measures, Metrics, and Myopia: The Challenges and Ramifications of Sustaining Academic Entrepreneurship. Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth (19): 276-298.
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Powell, Walter W. and Jeannette A. Colyvas (2008). Microfoundations of Institutional Theory in Royston Greenwood, Christine Oliver, Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson, and Roy Suddaby, editors, Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism (pp. 276-98). Sage Publishers.
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Colyvas, Jeannette A. (2007). Factories, Hazards, and Contamination: Metaphors and Recombinant DNA in University and Biotechnology. Minerva 45: 143-159.
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Colyvas, Jeannette A. (2007). From Divergent Meanings to Common Practices: The Early Institutionalization of Technology Transfer in the Life Sciences at Stanford University. Research Policy 36: 456-476.
Powell, Walter W., Jason Owen-Smith, and Jeannette A. Colyvas (2007). Innovation and Emulation: Lessons from the Experiences of US Universities in Selling Private Rights to Public Knowledge. Minerva 45: 143-159.
Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Walter W. Powell (2007). From Vulnerable to Venerated: The Institutionalization of Academic Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 25: 219-259.
Colyvas, Jeannette A. and Walter W. Powell (2006). Roads to Institutionalization: The Remaking of Boundaries between Public and Private Science. Research in Organizational Behavior 27 : 315-363 .
Colyvas, Jeannette, Annetine Gelijns, and Nathan Rosenberg (2003). Intellectual Property Rights and the Rise of Academic Medical Centers in O. Grandstrand, Economics, Law and Intellectual Property (pp. 155-176 ). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Colyvas, Jeannette, Michal Crow. Annetine Gelijns, Roberto Mazzolini Richard R. Nelson, Nathan Rosenberg and Bhaven Sampat (2002). How do University Inventions Get Into Practice. Management Science 48: 61-72.
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Year | Title | Source | Period | Amount | Status |
2019 | Production, Migration, & Differentiation: Analyzing the Co-Evolution of Careers & Knowledge Production (PI: Jeannette Colyvas) | National Science Foundation SciSIP | 2020-2024 | $450,000 | Funded |
2018 | Institutionalizing Restorative Justice in Chicago Public Schools (PI: Jeannette Colyvas) | Spencer Foundation | 2018-2019 | $50,000 | Funded |
2017 | Investigating the microfoundations of socioeconomic impact of university-industry relations (PI: Marcel Bogers (Project Leader), Elena Tavella, Karin Beukel, Maria Theresa Norn, Erik Bisgaard Madsen, Pablo D’Este, Toke Reinholt, Beverly Tyler, Jeannette Colyvas) | Novo Nordisk Foundation | 2017 – 2020 | €1,300,000 | Funded |
2011 | The Use of Empirical Research to Protect Juvenile Due Process Rights (PI: Colyvas, Jeannette, April Faith-Slaker (graduate student) | W.T. Grant Foundation | 2011 – 2013 | $25,000 | Funded |
2009 | Unexamined Consequences: Analyzing the Impact of Early Exposure to Proprietary Science on Careers and Knowledge Production (PI: Colyvas, Jeannette) | National Science Foundation, Section on Science and Society. | 2009 – 2011 | $110,000 | Funded |
2009 | The Use of Empirical Research to Protect Juvenile Due Process Rights (PI: Colyvas, Jeannette, April Faith-Slaker (graduate student) | Institute for Policy Research | 2009 – 2011 | 5,000 | Funded |
2008 | Careers and Commerce: The Transformation of Scientific Research and Training Practices in Universities and Beyond (PI: Colyvas, Jeannette) | Northwestern University Research Grant | 2008 – 2009 | $3500 | Funded |