Discussion Groups – Session 1

Breakout session 1 (11:20 am – 12:20 pm):

#1 How can we translate sleep replay research into a relevant application?

Challenges and opportunities.
Clinical applications.
Ethical considerations (misuse and dual-use).
Cognitive enhancement.

#2 What is the role of REM sleep for memory replay and how does it connect to memory consolidation theories?

What is REM for and why don’t we know more (as compared to NREM).
TMR during REM sleep is physiologically prohibited or methodologically challenging.
How to find out more about the role of REM sleep.

#3 Open Science Practices in sleep replay research.

What are the challenges (preventing open science practices).
How to facilitate replication and multi-lab collaborations.
What are the most pressing issues in this context.
Should we encourage data-pooling for exploratory research.