Mission of the project
Opioid overdose is a national epidemic that effects individuals, families and communities. In 2020, there were more than 93,000 drug overdose deaths in the United States, according to National Center for Health Statistics.
To help find ways to prevent opioid overdose deaths it is important that we know the facts. The Statewide Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) helps us understand emerging trends and factors leading up to the overdose and can be used to develop prevention approaches.
SUDORS is a part of Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) initiative − in partnership with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Buehler Center for Health Policy & Economics (acting as a bona fide agent of IDPH).
Linking Data to Save Lives
SUDORS data come from coroner reports and we use the data to disseminate surveillance findings to key stakeholders for prevention of overdoses, like, data briefs and analysis to data requests from community partners & researchers.
SUDORS is open to sharing analysis results with researchers, policymakers, prevention programs, and others for more focused collaborative projects. To discuss the use of SUDORS findings or prevention approaches, please submit a Data Request Form.

Xylazine Fact Sheet Update: Understanding the Impact of Xylazine
From 2019 to 2022, there have been 453 unintentional drug overdose deaths involving Xylazine in Illinois. Xylazine is identified as the cause of death – The number of Xylazine involved deaths in Illinois has increased steadily since 2019.

SUDORS Dashboard
This dashboard effectively presents a comprehensive range of data and variables of interest, enabling users to analyze trends and access information at the county, region, and state levels. By leveraging this valuable resource, decision-makers and stakeholders can gain insights to inform their strategies and initiatives aimed at reducing overdose deaths in Illinois.

Participating County Reports
We provide county level reports for each participating county.

Fact Sheet: Drug Overdose Deaths with Carfentanil Cause of Death: Increase after 1.5 Years with Low Numbers
From January 2019 through June 2023, there have been 42 unintentional drug overdose deaths with Cartfentanil listed as a cause of death. The number of Cartentanil deaths varied over time. Beginning in January 2023, Illinois experienced a sharp increase in Carfentanil involved deaths after recording none in 2022.

SUDORS Data Dictionary
Follow the link and find tabs that provide additional information about select derived/analytic variables contained in the site-specific datasets and listed in the data dictionary. The information in the tabs should be used along with the SUDORS data dictionary tab and screenshot document with the variable name crosswalk.