
  1. Kohlenberg A., and I. Gurvich. The Cost of Impatience in Dynamic Matching: Scaling Laws and Operating Regimes. Management Science. Forthcoming.
  2. Zhao F., I. Gurvich and J. Hasenbein. A Hierarchical Approach to Robust Stability of Multiclass Queueing Networks. Submitted, March 2023.
  3. Xie X., I. Gurvich and S. Küçükyavuz. Dynamic Allocation of Reusable Resources: Logarithmic Regret in Overloaded. Operations Research. Forthcoming.
  4. Kerimov S., I. Ashlagi and I. Gurvich (2022). On the Optimality of Greedy Policies in Dynamic Matching. 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC).
  5. Zychlinski N., and I. Gurvich. The Production of Service: Complementarity and Substitution in Processing. Revised August 2023.
  6. Kerimov S., I. Ashlagi and I. Gurvich. On the Optimality of Greedy Policies in Dynamic Matching. Operations Research. Forthcoming.
  7. Kerimov S., I. Ashlagi and I. Gurvich (2023). Dynamic Matching: Characterizing and Achieving Constant Regret. Management Science. Forthcoming.
  8. Singh S., I. Gurvich and J.A. Van Mieghem. Feature-based design of priority queues: Digital triage in healthcare.
  9. Vera A., A. Arlotto, I. Gurvich and E. Levin. Dynamic resource allocation: The geometry and robustness of constant regret. Mathematics of Operations Research. Forthcming.
  10. Zhang A. and I. Gurvich (2022). A Low-rank Approximation for MDPs via Moment Coupling. Operations Research. Online articles in advance.
  11. Banerjee S., I. Gurvich and A. Vera. Online optimization with samples.
  12. Vera A., S. Banerjee and I. Gurvich (2021). Online Allocation and Pricing: Constant Regret via Bellman Inequalities. Operations Research. 69(3):821-840. Correction to pricing example.
  13. Arlotto A. and I. Gurvich (2019). Uniformly Bounded Regret in the Multi-Secretary Problem. Stochastic Systems 9(3):231-260.
  14. Braverman A., I. Gurvich and J. Huang (2020). On the Taylor Expansion of Value Functions. Operations Research 68(2): 641-654.
  15. S-B. Soh and I. Gurvich. What’s in a constraint? On the ambiguity of standard delay targets. (Under revision)
  16. Huang J. and I. Gurvich. Beyond heavy-traffic regimes: Universal bounds and controls for the single-server queue. Operations Research 66(4), 1168-1188.
  17. Gurvich I., M. Lariviere and C. Ozkan. Coverage, coarseness and classification: Determinants of social efficiency in priority queues. Management Science 65(3):955—1453.
  18. Gurvich I. and J.A. Van Mieghem. Collaboration and multitasking in networks: Prioritization and achievable capacity. Management Science 64(5), 2390-2406.
  19. S-B. Soh and I. Gurvich. Call center staffing: Service-level constraints and index priorities (2016). Operations Research 65(2), 537-555.
  20. Zhang D., E. Park, I. Gurvich, J.A Van Mieghem, R.S. Young, and M.V. Williams (2016). Hospital readmission reduction program: An economic and operational analysis. Management Science, 62(11), 3351–3371
  21. Gurvich I. and A. Ward (2014). On the dynamic control of matching queues. Stochastic Systems, 4, 1-45.
  22. Gurvich I. and J.A. Van Mieghem (2014). Collaboration and multitasking in networks: Architectures, bottlenecks and throughput. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 17(1), 16-33.
  23. Gurvich I (2014). Diffusion models and steady-state approximations for exponentially ergodic Markovian queues. Annals of Applied Probability, 24(6), 2527-2559.  Correction (August 2023)
  24. Gurvich I, J. Huang, and A. Mandelbaum (2014). Excursion-based universal approximations for the Erlang-A queue in steady-state. Mathematics of Operations Research, 39(2), 325-373.
  25. Atar R. and I. Gurvich (2014). Scheduling parallel servers in the non-degenerate slowdown diffusion regime: Asymptotic optimality results. Annals of Applied Probability, 24(2), 760-810.
  26. Gurvich I. (2013). Validity of heavy-traffic steady-state approximations in multiclass queueing networks: The case of queue-ratio disciplines. Mathematics of Operations Research, 39(1), 121-162.
  27. Ata B. and I. Gurvich (2012). On optimality gaps in the Halfin-Whitt regime. Annals of Applied Probability, 22(1), 407—455.
  28. Gurvich I. and O. Perry (2011). Overflow networks: approximations and implications to call center outsourcing. Operations Research, 60(4), 996—1009.
  29. Allon A., A. Bassamboo, and I. Gurvich (2011). “We will be right with you”: Managing customers with vague promises and cheap talk. Operations Research, 59(6), 1382—1394
  30. Gurvich I. and W. Whitt (2010). Service-level differentiation in many-server service systems via queue-ratio routing. Operations Research, 58(2), 316—328.
  31. Gurvich I., J. Luedtke, and T. Tezcan (2010). Staffing call centers with uncertain demand forecasts: A chance-constrained optimization approach. Management Science, 56(7), 1093—1115.
  32. Armony M. and I. Gurvich (2010). When promotions meet operations: Cross selling and its effect on call-center performance. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 12(3), 470—488.
  33. Allon G. and I. Gurvich (2010). Pricing and dimensioning competing large-scale service providers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 12(3), 449—469,
  34. Gurvich I. and W. Whitt (2009). Scheduling flexible servers with convex delay costs in many-server service systems. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11(2), 237—253.
  35. Gurvich I. and W. Whitt (2009). Queue-and-idleness-ratio controls in many-server service systems. Mathematics of Operations Research, 34(2), 363—396.
  36. Gurvich I., M. Armony, and C. Maglaras (2009). Cross-selling in a call center with a heterogeneous customer population. Operations Research, 57(2), 299—313.
  37. Gurvich I., M. Armony, and A. Mandelbaum (2008). Service level differentiation in call centers with fully flexible servers. Management Science, 54(2), 279—294.

Healthcare Operations

  1. Grant B., I. Gurvich, R. K. Mutharasan and J. A. Van Mieghem. Optimal Dynamic Appointment Scheduling of Base and Surge Capacity. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Forthcoming.
  2. Mutharasan K., F. S. Ahmad, I. Gurvich, H. Alphs Jackson, J. A. Van Mieghem, C. W. Yancy. Buffer or Suffer: Redesigning Heart Failure Discharge Clinic Using Queuing Theory. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 11(7).
  3. Gurvich I., J. A. Van Mieghem, L. Wang, and N. D. Soulakis.  Digital and Physical Team Interaction: How Team Size and Stability Determine Individual Productivity. Journal of Case Reports and Studies 5(6):606, 2017.
  4. Wang Lu, I. Gurvich, and J. A. van Mieghem. Collaboration, Interruptions and Changeover Times: Workflow Model and Empirical Study of Hospitalist Charting. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Forthcoming.
  5. Wang et. al. Resident Supervision and Patient Care: A Comparative Time Study in a Community‐Academic Versus a Community Emergency Department. Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training 3(4):308-316.
  6. Zhang D., E. Park, I. Gurvich, J.A Van Mieghem, R.S. Young, and M.V. Williams (2016). Hospital readmission reduction program: An economic and operational analysis. Management Science, 62(11), 3351–3371. (The paper won the 2014 best paper award of the POMS college of healthcare operations management)
  7. Deo S. and I. Gurvich (2011). Centralized vs. decentralized ambulance diversion: A network perspective. Management Science, 57(3), 1300—1319.

Other Publications

  1. Yin Y., I. Gurvich, J.A. Van Mieghem, S. McReynolds and D. Seys (2018).” Learning by Doing versus Learning by Viewing: An Empirical Study of Data Analyst Productivity on a Collaborative Platform. The 21st ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).
  2. Gurvich I., M. Lariviere and A. Moreno-Garcia (2017). Operations in the On-Demand Economy: Staffing Services with Self-Scheduling. Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, Ming Hu (ed), Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, 2018.