
“A Joseph T. Hupp 60th Birthday Celebration”

Saturday May 6, 2017
Northwestern University

9:30 – 11:00 “Full Group” Meeting, Pancoe Auditorium
Session Chair: Buford Lemon, The Dow Chemical Company
9:15 Coffee, bagels and cream cheese, fruit and juice breakfast
9:30 Meeting convenes
9:35 Someone finds Joe to remind him of his group meeting
9:40 Group business / Introductions / Roast (Pt. 1)
Thomas Hamann, Michigan State University
Alex Martinson, Argonne National Laboratory
“A Short History of Joe Hupp”
10:00 Tom Meyer, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
11:00 Lunch, Allen Center, Northwestern University
12:00 Games on the lakefill
1:00 – 5:00 Afternoon Session “The Spawn of JTH,” Pancoe Auditorium
Session Chair: Peter Dinolfo, Renesslear Polytechnic Inst.
1:00 One Hot Result
One intro slide, one Hupp history slide, one science slide
3:00 Coffee Break
3:20 Developing a Droplet Microfluidic Toolbox for Precision Epigenetics
Ryan Bailey (2004), U Michigan
3:40 Chemical Industry, Polymer Science & Fine Art
Melinda Keefe (2001), Dow
4:00 Li-ion Batteries: Electrochemistry in Action
Chris Johnson (1992), ANL
4:20 BIP or BOP? Hupp Ho!
Keith Stevenson (2000), Skoltech
4:40 Joe Hupp, Northwestern University
5:30 Open Bar Reception, Allen Center, Northwestern University
6:00 Three course dinner with drinks
Allen Center, Northwestern University
7:00 – 7:30 Evening Session, Allen Center, Northwestern University
Session Chair: Ashlee Howarth, Northwestern University
7:00 Omar Farha, Northwestern University
Karen Mulfort, ANL
Plaque / Roast (Pt. 2)
7:20 Closing Remarks – Joe Hupp, Northwestern University
7:30 – 8:30 Networking with open bar 
Allen Center, Northwestern University