A preparatory mini-school on Open-Closed Field Theories will be held on March 19-20 in 107 Harris Hall, with lecture courses to be delivered by David Ayala (Montana State University) and Nate Bottman (MPIM). There will also be single lectures by Ezra Getzler and Boris Tsygan.
You can find a copy of the schedule for the school here or below:
David Ayala: Factorization homology in low-dimensions: 1-tangles in 3-spaces
Nate Bottman : Functoriality in categorical symplectic geometry
Talk 1: An introduction to categorical symplectic geometry. (Notes) In this talk, I will introduce the central objects of categorical symplectic geometry: Floer cohomology HF^*(L,K), which is an intersection theory of Lagrangian submanifolds that is enriched by counts of pseudoholomorphic bigons and triangles; and the Fukaya category Fuk(M), which is a categorification of HF^*(L,K) that plays a starring role in Kontsevich’s Homological Mirror Symmetry conjecture. I will illustrate some of the basic properties and behavior in low-dimensional examples. Time permitting, I will survey the settings in which the Fukaya category can be computed with existing techniques.
Talk 2: The operadic principle. (Notes) The operadic principle in symplectic geometry says that if we define an invariant by counting some sort of pseudoholomorphic map, then its algebraic nature is inherited from the operadic nature of the underlying configuration spaces of domains. I will illustrate this in the case of the Fukaya category and in the case of functors associated to Lagrangian correspondences. Time permitting, I will introduce the open-closed and closed-open string maps, and use them to sketch a proof of Abouzaid’s generation criterion for Fukaya categories.
Talk 3: (Notes) Functors from Lagrangian correspondences, 2-associahedra, and the symplectic (A-infinity,2)-category (Symp). The functoriality properties of the Fukaya category are notoriously elusive. Over the last 15 years, work of Wehrheim—Woodward, Ma’u, Fukaya, and myself has led up to a well-behaved functoriality package for the Fukaya category. This package is Symp, the symplectic (A-infinity,2)-category, and in this talk I will survey this object. In particular, I will explain the central role of the 2-associahedra, which are compactified configuration spaces of marked vertical lines in R^2.
Talk 4: (Notes) Applications of functoriality. There is a wide variety of work that has applied the functoriality of the Fukaya category, either directly or indirectly. I will discuss some of these applications, depending on the interests of the audience. These applications may include Abouzaid—Seidel—Smith’s work on symplectic Khovanov homology, Lekili—Perutz’s work on Heegaard—Floer homology, Pascaleff and Subotic’s work on monoidal structures on Fukaya categories, Evans—Lekili’s work on Fukaya categories of G-manifolds, and Seidel’s formal group-valued invariant of closed monotone symplectic manifolds.
Ezra Getzler: Moduli spaces of real Riemann surfaces and open-closed topological field theory
Abstract: Topological field theory in two dimensions in the sense of Dijkgraaf and Witten and of Atiyah amounts to the study for a Riemann surface S of a graph whose vertices are pants decompositions of S, and whose edges correspond to Dehn-Lickorish moves. We may study this graph using Teichmüller theory, that is, by placing a hyperbolic metric on the surface. Bill Harvey explained how to view Teichmüller space as the interior of a manifold with corners, whose lowest dimensional strata correspond to pants decompositions of the surface. (He considers the closed case; the extension to surfaces with punctures was outlined by Kimura, Stasheff and Voronov.) Adjoining to these the next lowest dimensional strata gives a stratified space corresponding to the graph of pants decompositions.
Boris Tsygan: Topological quantum mechanics and index
We hope to be able to provide funding to support the attendance of junior participants at the school.