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Removed the GRE as a component of graduate applications (#GRExit).

Created an anti-racism discussion group that began in Summer 2020.

Compiled resources for the Northwestern and geoscience community.

Provided feedback on a faculty led redesign of our graduate student application website.

Participated in the NSF funded URGE curriculum in Spring 2021.

Organized an Office of Equity training for faculty and staff in the department.

Developed a graduate student climate survey that will be taken annually. 



Continue developing and discussing URGE deliverables, which includes topics like reporting, enhancing seminar speaker diversity, engaging local communities during research, making research findings accessible to local communities, increasing field safety planning, and developing a code of conduct. 

Alter graduate student recruitment weekend to better emphasize outreach and culture.

Implement a more holistic review process for applications.

Formalize the roles of graduate student leaders in the graduate recruitment process.

Organize outreach activities that focus on increasing access to science in our local community.

Raise funds through our “Diversify” sticker series for Black Outside Inc., and Mbadika Laboratory

Share outreach opportunities and the work done by members of our department.