Three Pillars

Outreach & Fundraising
Check out our outreach and fundraising events.

If you are a member of the EARTH or Environmental Science Departments, log into Canvas to join our Discussion Group (visit our People page to email your NetID to anyone on the Anti-Racism pillar for access).

Inclusion & Diversity
We strive to improve the inclusion and diversity of our department through policy and cultural change.

GeoEquity Statement on Violence Against the Asian Community
GeoEquity acknowledges the recent escalation in anti-Asian violence. We stand in solidarity with our Asian community members during these tough times. We support the diversity of ways in which communities have been resisting hate, bigotry and prejudice towards the Asian population. The violence is inexcusable, intolerable and abhorrent.
GeoEquity Statement of Support of NUCNC
As members of GeoEquity, an organization comprised of faculty, staff, and graduate students from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, we express support for the peaceful protests, as Black and brown members of our Northwestern community and across the nation are disproportionately intimidated and brutalized by police. The work of student activism holds a key role in making the university a better place, and we are unequivocally opposed to the idea that our students need to be held “accountable” for peacefully protesting. We call for university leadership to instead hold themselves accountable to actions proposed on June 14th.

EPS Statement of Support
The Faculty and Staff of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) stand against racist injustice to the Black, Brown, and all marginalized communities, but we recognize the current focus is on #BlackLivesMatter. We stand against police brutality in all of its forms, and systematic discrimination in academia and beyond.