General Movement Assessment
Babies move their bodies spontaneously during their development as a fetus and in the first few months of life. These movements are called “general movements,” and observation of these movements can tell us about a baby’s development. The General Movement Assessment (GMA) is a standardized observational method to describe a baby’s general movements and can be used to screen a baby’s development at an early age. The GMA has been used successfully in many infants with certain medical backgrounds. Families FILM will use the GMA to study early movements in babies with an even greater variety of medical backgrounds.
To learn more about the GMA, you can visit:
Early Intervention
The earlier that intervention can start for a baby, the more opportunities they have to maximize their potential. Monitoring your infant’s movements may help us to determine if your child may benefit from a referral to Early Intervention Services at an earlier timepoint than they may otherwise be referred.
To read more about Early Intervention Services, visit any of the resources linked below.
CDC: Why Act Early if You’re Concerned about Development?
Illinois’ Early Intervention website: What Is Early Intervention?