Of Things That Shouldn’t Be is a cinematic poetry piece by Princess Collado & Mohammed Al-Khulaifi that attempts to explore the nature of Paulo Freire’s banking education system and our desires to break free from the system where we are held to absorb knowledge without resistance.

5 comments on “CINEMATIC POETRYAdd yours →

  1. Thank you all for sharing this fantastic project with us! I have to say the interface designed for this website is on point in terms of colors, style, and arrangement of the topics on it. I believe whatever the type of message we want to spread, we have to do it in the right and most appealing way to reach as much audience as possible, and what you did in this project as you used the creative media approach to tell your message. I believe raising awareness should not be confined to one way, but it should be done in a way that you feel you are best at. And this will push your creativity to the roof, and that’s what happened in your project. I have to talk about the short film. And I insist on calling it a short film, not an “awareness video” because it had all of the film elements. And most importantly, it had a story! The frames, coloring, camera movement, and the acting made this short a thing to remember. I, for sure would love to put the actor in front of the camera. And Adding a podcast was a smart move. Because what you discussed in this podcast could not be said in a short period, it needed that extra time to dive deep into the topic. And this added diversity to your project as some people interact with videos while others like to listen to podcasts on their morning run or long road trips. I am proud of your team for taking it to the next level by pouring all of your creativity and effort into this project. You all should be proud of yourselves!

  2. This was such a joy to watch. I love how you creatively brought the “banking concept of education” to life in such a complex, artistic and aesthetically outstanding way. This is definitely one of my favorite final projects that I have seen this semester. Well done!

  3. This was an amazing watch, the production element alone was phenomenal! The camera angles, colors and tones show how much thought and work was put into this. I loved the format of the message, using poetry added to its power showcasing how the banking method of education has affected individuals. The opening statement of how far our minds can take us worked as a thought provoking statement that farmed your work!

  4. Beautifully executed. I really love how the video encompasses everything we learned throughought the semester, the banking concept is very apparent in the film and is very thought provoking. A perfect summary and end to our course in Ways of Knowing.

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