princess collado

WRITER AND CO-DIRECTOR, of things that shouldn’t be

“I think the hardest part about making the project was trying to visualize something as abstract as a human desire of seeking knowledge. We enter educational institutions in hopes to understand the world better only to be, as how the film quotes, “moulded into shapes that are all but unique to the other“. We hope that the film has captured the essence of what learning truly means.”

mohammed al-Khulaifi

CO-DIRECTOR, of things that shouldn’t be

“I wanted to explore the topic of Banking Education Systems and show the world how in the event that education expects students to embrace their word as an incontestable reality. With the use of a poetic and visual form of media, I believe that it will catch eyes and help spread awareness.”

nadia al hinai

podcast co-creator, eye on education

“Working on the podcast allowed me to have productive conversations with people in my community who are outside of my class which inherently made me engage more with the text and beyond. I believe there is a certain essence that exists in dialogue that enables good communication. This is why I am a fan of the problem-solving system of education as it encourages dialogue as well as critical thinking.”

hend al-thani

podcast c0-creator, eye on education

“The topic of education is something that none of us really forget. Once I learned about the banking system I never really forget about it as it is something that we basically grew up with and still live by today. Together we wanted to create a podcast that was appealing to not only us but the audience. Through the editing process I tried to make it intriguing by including sounds that we usually never forget, for example the school bell. It not only symbolizes that the teacher can no longer keep you in class, but it also symbolizes freedom, as you no longer have to focus on the words of the teacher, so in a way educating is not just listening but also experiencing as well.”

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