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Category: Blog Posts

Youth Day and the Soweto Uprising

On June 16, 1976 black South African school children protested against the introduction of the language Afrikaans as the medium of instruction. On that...
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The South African Rand

The official South African currency is the Rand. The Rand is currently trading at 13.12 to the US dollar. There is considerable debate amongst...
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Happy Freedom Day!

On April 27, 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections providing black South Africans with the right to vote. Today marks 23 years...
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Currently on Newsstands

An additional aspect of this world history and humanities project is to examine the idea of social progress and break the theme down into...
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Are We Not a Nation of Immigrants?

South Africa, much like the United States of America, is considered by its neighbors and a good portion of the African continent as the...
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The Underlying Theme of Violence in Mpe’s Novel

One of the underlying themes of Mpe’s novel is that of urban violence. The acts of violence are pervasive throughout the book. Much like...
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Greetings from Johannesburg, South Africa!

    Hello, my name is Erik Ponder and I will be your guide as we read and explore contemporary South African literature, culture,...
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Project Kickoff

      Northwestern University Libraries hosted Evanston Township High School teacher Aaron Becker and 35 of his World History and Social Studies students...
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