David Figlio
Faculty Profile

Orrington Lunt Professor of Education and Social Policy
Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research
David Figlio was the Orrington Lunt Professor and Dean of the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University through May 15, 2022. He assumes his new role as provost for the University of Rochester in July of 2022.
In 2017, Figlio was elected to the National Academy of Education for his work involving school accountability, standards, higher education practice, welfare policy, policy design, and the link between health and education. An economist by training, Figlio currently serves as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a fellow of the IZA Institute of Labor Economics.
He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Human Resources and has served on numerous national education task forces and panels. In addition, Figlio has advised the governments of several U.S. states and nations on five continents on the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy.
His work has been published in leading journals, including the American Economic Review, JAMA Pediatrics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, and Journal of Human Resources.
Research Interests
Accountability policy; economics of education; teacher quality; teacher labor markets; anti-poverty policy; intergenerational transmission of human capital; evaluation design.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1995 | PhD, Economics | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1992 | MS, Economics | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1991 | BS, Business Economics and Public Policy | George Washington University |
Selected Publications
Black, S., S. Breining, D. Figlio, J. Guryan, K. Karbownik, H. Nielsen, and M. Simonsen. Forthcoming. Sibling spillovers. Economic Journal.
Elder, T., D. Figlio, S. Imberman, and C. Persico. 2021. School segregation and racial gaps in special education identification. Journal of Labor Economics.
Persico, C., D. Figlio, and J. Roth. 2020. The developmental consequences of Superfund sites. Journal of Labor Economics.
Breining, S., J. Doyle, D. Figlio, K. Karbownik, and J. Roth. 2020. Birth order and delinquency: Evidence from Denmark and Florida. Journal of Labor Economics.
Figlio, D., and U. Özek. 2020. An extra year to learn English? Early grade retention and the human capital development of English learners. Journal of Public Economics.
Figlio, D., and U. Özek. 2019. Unwelcome guests? The effects of refugees on the educational outcomes of incumbent students. Journal of Labor Economics.
Figlio, D., P. Giuliano, U. Özek, and P. Sapienza. 2019. Long term orientation and educational performance. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
Autor, D., D. Figlio, K. Karbownik, J. Roth, and M. Wasserman. 2019. Family disadvantage and the gender gap in behavioral and educational outcomes. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
Buetikofer, A., D. Figlio, K. Karbownik, C. Kuzawa, and K. Salvanes. 2019. Evidence that prenatal testosterone transfer from male twins reduces the fertility and socioeconomic success of their female co-twins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Figlio, D., J. Freese, K. Karbownik, and J. Roth. 2017. Socioeconomic status and genetic influences on cognitive development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(51): 13441–46.
Garfield, C., K. Karbownik, K. Murthy, G. Falciglia, J. Guryan, D. Figlio, and J. Roth. 2017. Educational performance of children born prematurely. JAMA Pediatrics 171(8):764–70.
Figlio, D. J. Guryan, K. Karbownik, and J. Roth. 2016. Long-term cognitive and health outcomes of school-aged children who were born late-term versus full-term. JAMA Pediatrics 170(8): 758–64.
Autor, D., Figlio, D., K.Karbownik, J. Roth, and M. Wasserman (2016). School quality and the gender gap in educational achievement. American Economic Review: 106(5):289-95.
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Figlio, D., J. Guryan, K. Karbownik, and J. Roth (2016). Long-term cognitive and health outcomes of school-aged children who were born late-term versus full term. JAMA Pediatrics: 170(8):758-64.
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Figlio, D., with M. Schapio and K. Soter (2015). Are tenure track professors better teachers? Review of Economics and Statistics: 97(4):715-24.
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Figlio, D. with C. Hart (2014). Competitive effects of means-tested school vouchers. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics: 6(1):133-56.
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Figlio, D, with J. Guryan, K.Karbownik, and J. Roth (2014). The effects of poor neonatal health on children’s cognitive development. American Economic Review: 3921-55.
Figlio, D., with D. Goldhaber, J. Hannaway, and C. Rouse (2013). Feeling the Florida heat? How low-performing schools respond to voucher and accountability pressure. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy: 5(2):251-81.
Figlio, D., with M. Rush and L. Yin (2013). Is it live or is it Internet? Experimental estimates of the effects of online instruction on student learning. Journal of Labor Economics: 31(4):763-84.
Figlio, D., with L. Feng, J. Hannaway, T. Sass, and Z. Xu (2012). Value-added of teachers in high-poverty and lower poverty schools. Journal of Urban Economics: 72(2-3)1-4-22.
Figlio, D., with D. Fletcher (2012). Suburbanization, demographic change, and the consequences for school finance.Journal of Public Economics: 96(11-12):1144-53.
Figlio, D., with J. Ludwig (2012). Sex, drugs, and Catholic schools: Private schooling and non-market adolescent behaviors. German Economic Review 13(4): 385-414.
Figlio, D., with C. Hart (2011). Does competition improve public schools? Education Next 11(1).
Figlio, D., with L. Kenny (2010). Public sector performance measurement and stakeholder support. Journal of Public Economics 93(9-1): 1069-77.
Figlio, D., with C. Hart and M. Metzger (2010). Who uses a means-tested scholarship, and what do they choose? Economics of Education Review 29(2): 301-17.
Figlio, D., Hamersma, S., and Roth, J. (2008). Does Pre-Natal WIC Participation Improve Birth Outcomes? New Evidence from Florida. Journal of Public Economics.
Figlio, D., and Roth, J. (2008). The Effects of Pre-kindergarten Participation on Behavioral Outcomes in Gruber, J., An Economics Perspective on the Problems of Disadvantaged Youth University of Chicago Press.
Figlio, D. (2007). Boys Named Sue: Disruptive Children and their Peers. Education Finance and Policy.
Figlio, D. and Kenny, L. (2007). Individual Teacher Incentives and Student Performance. Journal of Public Economics.
Figlio, D. (2006). Testing, Crime and Punishment. Journal of Public Economics.
Figlio, D. and Rouse, C. (2006). Do Accountability and Voucher Threats Improve Low-Performing Schools? Journal of Public Economics.
Figlio, D., and Winicki, J. (2005). Food for Thought? The Effects of School Accountability Plans on School Nutrition. Journal of Public Economics.
Figlio, D., and Lucas, M. (2004). What is in a Grade? School Report Cards and the Housing Market. American Economic Review.
Figlio, D., and others (2004). Maternal and Infant Factors Associated with Excess Kindergarten Costs. Pediatrics.
Figlio, D. and Lucas, M. (2004). Do high grading standards affect student performance?. Journal of Public Economics.
Epple, D., Figlio, D., and Romano, R. (2004). Competition between public and private schools: Testing stratification and pricing predictions. Journal of Public Economics.
Figlio, D., Husted, T., and Kenny, L. (2004). Political economy of the inequality of school spending. Journal of Urban Economics.
Figlio, D. (2003). Fiscal implications of school accountability initiatives. Tax Policy and the Economy.
Figlio, D., and Page, M. (2003). Can school choice and school accountability coexist successfully? in Hoxby, C., The Economics of School Choice University of Chicago Press.
Figlio, D. and Page, M. (2002). School choice and the distributional effects of ability tracking: Does separation Increase Inequality? Journal of Urban Economics.
Figlio, D. (2002). Can public schools buy better-qualified teachers? Industrial and Labor Relations Review.
Figlio, D., and O’Sullivan, A. (2001). The Local Response to Tax Limitation Measures: Do Local Governments Manipulate Voters to Increase Revenues? Journal of Law and Economics.
Figlio, D., and Stone, J. (2001). Can Public Policy Affect Private School Cream Skimming? Journal of Urban Economics.
Figlio, D. and Rueben, K. (2001). Tax Limits and the Qualifications of New Teachers. Journal of Public Economics.
Ziliak, J., Gunderson, C., Figlio, D., and Connolly, L. (2000). Accounting for the Decline in AFDC Caseloads: Economic Growth or Welfare Reform? Journal of Human Resources.
Blonigen, B., and Figlio, D. (1998). Voting for Protection: Does Direct Foreign Investment Influence Legislator Behavior? American Economic Review.
Figlio, D. (1997). “Did the Tax Revolt Reduce School Performance?”. Journal of Public Economics.