
Welcome! I am a Professor of Political Science, a Faculty Fellow at the Institute for Policy Research, and Director of the Workplace Justice Lab @ Northwestern University

My research interests include American political economy and American political development, with a focus on labor politics and policy, organizing and collective action, parties and groups, the presidency, and multi-method research. With my colleagues at the Workplace Justice Lab, I study wage theft and work with worker organizations and labor standards enforcement agencies to create more effective and equitable policy enforcement.

My new book, Alt-Labor and the New Politics of Workers’ Rights (2024), examines the changing nature of workers’ rights over the last half-century and the political development of alt-labor groups (nonunion, nonprofit forms of worker organization), which are supporting and organizing predominantly low-wage immigrant workers and workers of color in their fight for their rights in the political and economic arenas. Related articles and blog posts can be found here, here, and here.

I am also the author of Presidential Party Building: Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush, co-editor of Rethinking Political Institutions: the Art of the State, and have published numerous journal articles and book chapters on APD, the presidency, political parties, institutional change, and qualitative and multi-method research. Links to these works can be found on my research page here.

I teach a variety of courses on American government and politics. My teaching was kindly recognized with the E. LeRoy Hall Award for Excellence in Teaching (highest teaching award, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences) and the R. Barry Farrell Teaching Award (Department of Political Science), and I was twice elected by the Northwestern student body to the Faculty Honor Roll.

I am currently chair of the Policy Discourse and Decision Making program at the Institute of Policy Research and the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Political Science department. I am also affiliated with the Comparative-Historical Social Science program and the Center for the Study of Diversity and Democracy at Northwestern. With Chloe Thurston, I am co-editor of the Penn Press series American Governance: Politics, Policy, and Public Law.

Other details are available on my CV or by contacting me!