Veggie Soup

Veggie soup

This soup allows you to be creative, since there is not a “real recipe” to follow, just add as many as veggies as you would like to.  I am sure it will be a yummy recipe with any ingredients you want to substitute.

Skill Level: Medium 

Serving: 6 people

Time to Prepare: ~1:00

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  • For the soup:
    • 4 cups of water
    • 3 table spoon “Rifka’s condiment” (see the recipe below)
    • 1 or 2 Yuccas, diced
    • 2 medium carrots, peeled and diced
    • 1 can small white beans (ideally Goya 15.5 oz.)
    • 1 teaspoon of cumin
    • 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped (optional)
    • 1 cup of croutons (optional)
  • For Rifka’s condiment:
    • 2 cups of Cilantro
    • 3 Garlic cloves
    • 1 cup of Red Pepper, minced
    • 1 cup of Green Pepper, minced
    • 1 cup Orange Pepper, minced
    • 1 stick of Green Onion, minced


  • 1 medium pot
  • 1 glass (Pyrex) bowl
  • 1 wooden spoon
  • 1 food processor

Note: you need first to prepare the Rifka’s condiment, then the soup

Steps to prepare the dish

First step (Prepare Rifka’s Condiment):

  1. Wash the cilantro
  2. Put all the ingredients for the “condiment” in the food processor.
  3. Mix all of them until you see all of them are combine and looks like a “paste”.

Second step (Prepare the soup)

  1. Put 4 cups of water in the pot.
  2. Put all the ingredients for the soup into the Pyrex bowl.
  3. Mix all of them with a wooden spoon.
  4. Add them into the water.
  5. When you see the water is boiling, and the veggies are soft, turn the fire down

Third step (Serving)

  1. Add a little of cilantro in the top of the soup or small croutons
  2. Enjoy with your guests



  • You can freeze the “Rifka Condiment” that is  left over, or keep it in the refrigerator if you will prepare another soup, rice or any dish that you want to use a “natural condiment”.
  • You can add potato or  sweet potato instead of the yucca. (Yucca is pronounced YOO-ka)
  • You can blend all the soup before you serve it.
  • Do not eat the yucca raw – it is poisonous until cooked


To be sure that the Yucca is fresh and good, please ask the person at the store to cut it in half in the middle. If you see that both sides are white it means that they are fresh, otherwise, do not buy it.

This is how the Yucca looks like: Yucca

The fresh yucca it is shown on the left: Fresh Yucca on the left