Beefsteak tomatoes: A beef tomato (British English) or beefsteak tomato (American English) is one of the largest varieties of cultivated tomatoes, some weighing 450 grams (1 lb) or more. (…) ( In Margarita Island, Venezuela we call it Tomate Margariteño, and some weighing more than 1.5 pounds.
Dairy-Free: Foods that do not contain any real dairy from an animal.
Gluten-Free: Foods that do not contain gluten (found in grains, such as wheat, barley, rye, and a cross between wheat and rye).
Halal: A term used to describe foods that comply with dietary guidelines set by Islamic law.
Kosher: A term used to describe foods that comply with dietary guidelines set by traditional Jewish law.
Pareve: Prepared without meat, milk, or their derivatives and therefore permissible to be eaten with both meat and dairy dishes according to dietary Jewish laws.
Pereg: A brand of Kosher seasoning
Pescatarian: A person who does not eat meat but does eat fish.
Shabbat: The Jewish Sabbath, observed from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday
Technique Bain Marie (Baño de María) – I use it to prepare the flan. I take large aluminum tray, fill it with water; and then set the smaller tray inside of the larger tray and bake it for one hour.
Vegan: Any foodstuff containing no food or other products derived from animals
Vegetarian: Any foodstuff excluding meat or other animal products.