You are the students, who gave me the motivation to write this On Line cookbook. And to each one of you I dedicate this Cookbook.
Ever since I was a little girl, I was in the kitchen helping my mom to cook. My dad died when I was very little, and my mom’s cooking helped her to support us. I enjoyed being in the kitchen and seeing her prepare different dishes. At times, I helped her by washing the utensils, and, after she left the kitchen, I enjoyed cleaning the kitchen because I knew that the next day, we will cook again. I still have her hand writing in a cook book, which makes me so nostalgic and a little jealous. For, thanks to her, we were able to entertain people at home every Shabbat, or Jewish Holiday– and, when I say “people”, it was not just a small group of 10! We always had around 30 people, and perhaps that is why, today, I enjoy extending my hospitality to as many people as possible in my home.
Today, I have the opportunity to host my dearest students, faculty, and special guests for different events here at the University, either just a dinner with faculty or cooking class, or simply my regular Spanish class students after the quarter ends. I have gratefully received the immense joy of serving as a Faculty in Residence for the South Area. And, as a way of “Giving Back”, I want to share with you this CookBook, with the hope that you, too, shall prepare some of these dishes, with enjoyment. Moreover, if you want to send me pictures, such as those I have posted here in the Book, please, feel free to do so.
One more thing, as you will see, I added a few pages with the list of the dishes I selected for the group. Each of this pages has a description that intendeds to attract your attention and entice you to enjoy cooking. And remember, I always add “My secret ingredient: Love” This is a VERY IMPORTANT ingredient, and your guests will feel that love you put when you cook.

My heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for giving me this opportunity to share what I relish and cherish.
Con mucho cariño (lovingly)