Pictures of Dishes Prepared by Students at their home

I love to cook with and for the students. It brings me kind of a cascade of happiness when a student repeats the dishes she/he learned with me.  It brings me great contentment, to know that I have been able to pass on to others something which is dear to my own heart — and, of course, that “something” involves food, which nourishes and sustains life itself  It also warms my heart that the foods which I so enjoy preparing and sharing bring students together in a special companionship and conversation, the needful and precious connection for which every longs!

Eve’s family enjoying sushi!

Eve making Sushi at her home.
Eve and her family doing Sushi, as a family’s event!












Darelle tried making the frozen cake

Darelle´s frozen cake

And also the gnocchi!

Darelle’s gnocchi

Kara and Andrew tried out the eggplant pizza


Eggplant Pizza
Kara’s Eggplant Pizza
Andrew's Eggplant Pizza
Andrew´s Eggplant Pizza

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