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The Central Laboratory for Materials Mechanical Properties is the primary core facility for mechanical testing on the Northwestern University campus. The facility has historically been associated with the Materials Science Department and the Materials Research Center. The Materials Science Department at Northwestern was established in 1959 as the first interdisciplinary department for materials research in the world. Shortly after the department was established, Northwestern became one of three Universities to receive funds to establish a coordinated interdisciplinary interdepartmental basic program of education and research in materials and the Materials Research Center at Northwestern was born. The CLaMMP facility is managed through the MRC to this day.

Facility Acknowledgement
This work made use of the CLaMMP Facility which has received support from the MRSEC Program (NSF DMR- 1720139 ) of the Materials Research Center at Northwestern University, the Center for Hierarchical Materials Design and from Northwestern University.

ClaMMP is located on Northwestern’s Evanston campus on the first floor of Cook Hall, room 1034.

2220 Campus Drive, #1034
Evanston, IL 60208