Remote Observing Room

About the ROR

The CIERA Remote Observing Room (ROR) is located on the 8th Floor of 1800 Sherman Avenue in Evanston, Illinois at Northwestern University. It is a site designed for the Keck Observatory, on Hawaii’s Maunakea. It is one of a network of remote observatories and the only non-coastal Keck remote observatory in the country. The CIERA ROR is comprised of two identical observing stations. The facility allows for at least two observers, student training, and instrument certifications.

Learn more about the ROR in The Sky is No Limit.

CIERA is the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration & Research in Astrophysics at Northwestern University.

Contact the ROR

Send email to CIERA-REMOTE-OBSERVING@LISTSERV.IT.NORTHWESTERN.EDU. This will reach the ROR Coordinator and others who support the ROR.


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