Courses Taught since 2001
Label | Title | Term | Instructor Rating Max: 6 |
ES_APPM 444 | High Performance Scientific Computing | Spring 2020 (online) | 5.67 |
ES_APPM 346 | Modeling and Computation in Science and Engineering | Winter 2019 | 5.22 |
ES_APPM 444 | High Performance Scientific Computing | Spring 2018 | 5.63 |
ES_APPM 449 | Numerical Methods for Moving Interfaces | Winter 2017 | 5.86 |
ES_APPM 444 | High Performance Scientific Computing | Spring 2016 | 5.55 |
ES_APPM 346 | Modeling and Computation in Science and Engineering | Winter 2015 | 5.68 |
ES_APPM 495 | High Performance Scientific Computing | Spring 2014 | 4.75 |
GEN_ENG 205-4 | Engineering Analysis IV | Fall 2013 | 5.40 |
GEN_ENG 205-4 | Engineering Analysis IV | Fall 2013 | 4.98 |
ES_APPM 446-2 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Spring 2013 | 5.22 |
ES_APPM 446-1 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Fall 2012 | 5.18 |
ES_APPM 449 | Numerical Methods for Moving Interfaces | Fall 2012 | 5.00 |
ES_APPM 252-2 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Winter 2012 | 5.50 |
ES_APPM 446-1 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Fall 2011 | 4.50 |
ES_APPM 252-1 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Fall 2011 | 5.15 |
ES_APPM 252-2 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Winter 2011 | 5.80 |
ES_APPM 445 | Iterative Methods for Elliptic Equations | Winter 2011 | 4.83 |
ES_APPM 252-1 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Fall 2010 | 5.57 |
ES_APPM 252-2 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Winter 2010 | 5.06 |
ES_APPM 495 | Special Topic: Mathematical Modeling in Microbiology | Winter 2010 | N/A |
ES_APPM 252-1 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Fall 2009 | 5.27 |
ES_APPM 445 | Iterative Methods for Elliptic Equations | Winter 2009 | 4.88 |
ES_APPM 252-2 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Winter 2009 | 4.94 |
ES_APPM 252-1 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Fall 2008 | 4.25 |
ES_APPM 446-2 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Spring 2008 | 5.10 |
ES_APPM 449 | Numerical Methods for Moving Interfaces | Fall 2007 | 5.30 |
GEN_ENG 205-4 | Engineering Analysis IV | Fall 2007 | 5.60 |
ES_APPM 445 | Iterative Methods for Elliptic Equations | Winter 2007 | 4.88 |
GEN_ENG 205-4 | Engineering Analysis IV | Fall 2006 | 5.00 |
ES_APPM 446-1 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Fall 2006 | 5.00 |
ES_APPM 446-2 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Spring 2006 | 5.00 |
ES_APPM 448 | Numerical Methods for Random Processes | Winter 2006 | 5.10 |
ES_APPM 495 | Special Topic: Numerical Methods for Moving Interfaces | Fall 2005 | 5.30 |
ES_APPM 495 | Special Topic: Iterative Methods for Elliptic Equations | Spring 2005 | 5.50 |
ES_APPM 252-2 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Winter 2005 | 4.94 |
ES_APPM 252-1 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Fall 2004 | 4.25 |
ES_APPM 448 | Numerical Methods for Random Processes | Spring 2004 | 5.41 |
ES_APPM 252-2 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Winter 2004 | 4.94 |
ES_APPM 252-1 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Fall 2003 | 4.25 |
ES_APPM 446-2 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Winter 2003 | 5.80 |
ES_APPM 446-1 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Fall 2002 | 5.55 |
ES_APPM 252-1 | Honors Calculus for Engineers | Fall 2002 | 4.25 |
ES_APPM 446-2 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Winter 2002 | 5.20 |
ES_APPM 346 | Modeling and Computation in Science and Engineering | Winter 2002 | 5.00 |
ES_APPM 446-1 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | Fall 2001 | 4.38 |