These are the students from my research group and their current location.
Current and Former Students

Magda Stolarska
PhD Thesis title: Modeling Crack Growth by Level Sets
Current position:
Associate Professor
Mathematics Department Associate Chair
Associate Director, Center for Applied Mathematics
University of St. Thomas

Anthony Tongen
PhD Thesis Title: A Continuum Model for Multigrain Thin Film Deposition
Current position:
Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
James Madison University

Michael Rempe
PhD Thesis Title: Efficient Computational Strategies for Simulating Neural Activity on Branched Structures
Current position:
Staff Scientist, Dept. of Translational Medicine and Physiology
Washington State University

Benjamin Vaughan
Phd Thesis Title: Application of the EXtended Finite Element Method in Mathematical Biology
Current position:
Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences
University of Cincinnati

Bryan Smith
PhD Thesis Title: The EXtended Finite Element Method for Special Problems with Moving Interfaces
Current position:
Vice President of Research

Brian Merkey
PhD Thesis Title: Biofilm Modeling for Wastewater Treatment : Multiple Species and Multiple Components
Current position:
Actuarial Analyst
Gunderson Lutheran Hospital

Richard Kublik
PhD Thesis Title: Locally Adaptive Time Stepping in Numerical Simulations for Neuroscience
Current position:
Research and Development
Materials Resources, LLC

Jared Hicks
PhD Thesis Title: Fluid-Structure Interaction in Continuum Models of Bacterial Biofilms
Current position:
Senior Computer Scientist

Narut Sereewattanawoot
PhD Topic: Parallel implementation of the locally adaptive time stepping method applied to neural simulations and the Cahn-Hilliard equation

Noah Ford
PhD topic: Modeling bacterial biofilms

Colton Bryant
PhD topic: Simulating particles in two fluid flows using the level set method with a chimera grid