Chen Group News
Waleed and Nathan’s manuscript accepted to Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Congratulations to Waleed Helweh and Nathan Flanders on the publication of their paper titled “Layered structures of assembled imine-linked macrocycles and two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks give rise to prolonged exciton lifetimes.”
Dr. Michael W. Mara publishes in Chemical Science
Congratulations on the acceptance of the manuscript “Unveiling ultrafast dynamics in bridged bimetallic complexes using optical and X-ray transient absorption spectroscopies.” Brian Phelan, Tae Wu Kim, Darren Hsu, and Pyosang Kim from our research group contributed to this work led by Michael Mara.
Matthew Baldwin, Bailey Chandler, Evan Oriel, and Zachary Mast join as new graduate students
A warm welcome to the new students in our group! Matthew Baldwin is jointly advised with Prof. Bryan Hunter. Bailey Chandler and Evan Oriel are jointly advised with Prof. Richard Schaller. Zachary Mast is jointly advised with Prof. George Schatz.
Adam Nijhawan and Arnold Chan’s perspective paper accepted to Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Congratulations to Adam Nijhawan and Arnold Chan for publishing their perspective paper, “Resolving Dynamics in the Ensemble: Finding Paths through Intermediate States and Disordered Protein Structures.”
Darren Hsu receives the 2020 Excellence in Graduate Research Award and presents an invited talk
Congratulations to Darren Hsu for winning the Northwestern Chemistry 2020 Excellence in Graduate Research Award. His research was abut integrating experimental data from X-ray solution scattering into molecular dynamics simulations, mixing in a bit of GPU computing.
Adam Nijhawan and Nicholas Weingartz pass their qualifying exams
Adam Nijhawan and Nicholas Weingartz passed their qualifying exams. Congratulations on becoming PhD candidates!
Prof. Lin Chen receives the 2020 ACS Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry
Congratulations! Lin Chen was awarded the 2020 Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry from the Physical Chemistry Division of ACS. She will be honored at the Fall 2020 ACS National Meeting in San Francisco.